Friday, January 8, 2016


Hey friends...and familia...

Hope this beautiful Friday gives you all a break in the rain and the feeling of exhaling after a long week. We've had quite the wild week, and yet have so far to go.
Today he will complete his 11 rounds of intense radiation. In about 30 minutes we will make that final trek down and around these hallways to radiology. A place that takes us down 5 different long corridors and 3 elevator trips. All the while with a dude that can barely hold his head up. We have a pillow for support and those comfy blankets around his body.
We run into the same two other kids in there for treatment.

He can't even sip water or ginger ale at this point, and his mouth is full of yucky frothy sores. They do come in for mouth and respitory treatments to help things keep flowing. One of the issues is their throat losing its strength to swallow.
I just helped him shower. Got him in his coziest Jammie's, good favorite socks of his and tucked him away. My latest battle has been warding off silly occupational therapists, house keeping, etc that open the door when he's sound asleep. I'm trying to up the game in my poker face stance. More like trying you wipe the bitch face look off. Smiling thru thorns poking out of my head. LOL. Mama's and Papa's out there who've rode in my similar bus, do you hear me?

I hope you all have a sweet weekend filled with love. I got home last night. Did a load of his laundry. Swept my kitchen floor, cleaned a little which helps my anxious body, took a long hot shower and ate the best bowl of soup!

I sat with Kali discussing life. Her always encouraging me, where in fact the tables are usually turned.

Bills working a trade show making this a tad bit harder all around. But one thing in life I've always known....there is really nothing tossed my way concerning our babies THAT I CANT HANDLE-
Faith is pulling me through and it will pull Kris through too.

Til my last breath, til my last beat in my heart.

I sent this quote to Jen last night--

The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked out. They got that way because shit went wrong, and they handled it. They handled it in a thousand different ways on a thousand different days, but they handled it. Those women are my super heroes.  --Elizabeth Gilbert.


Mama warrior I will be.

This Mama Lisa

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