Sunday, January 10, 2016


Happy Sunday lovers!

My morning kicked off with an extra hour of sleep and the desire to roll over and sleep in a little more. The only problem with that is I had laundry to do and a house to tidy up. Kali's home, but I just have this way about doing my thing. I've been rolling in and out and it's catching my tail. With the love of my neighbor and friend I've eaten the best soup for two days. My girlfriend Evie dropped off soup as well. I eat this stuff for breakfast and dinner. I'm telling you, the love of soup to warm my belly making me a rested mama. The last time he was in the hospital I lost weight, and gained extra grey hairs. Jk on the hair.
He had a rough night last night. Going thru unders like a boss. Bill said "Hun, maybe we should ask for those diaper like things for a little while" my response -- no.

The chemo given was a kick ass dose. The radiation was a lethal dose to kill the morrow. This chemo, being the same. They want to kill what's left. The infusion taking place today is something called tacrolimus. There are three large bags that will infilter for the next few days. This kills the rest of his immune system. Something that must be done to close down the old, to welcome the new!
It's making him a tad bit sleepy. He walked the halls today and sat in my favorite atrium area. A spectacular view. Bright lights and sunshine are hard on his eyes, but he did it...
He's most happy when Jens here, and probably most alert in the morning.
Today,  tomorrow and Tuesday will be the immune suppressing drugs.  This afternoon he's starting to have sweats and hot flashes.

Something I've learned from day one. Each day is a new one. Each day is chance to get this behind him. Some days feel like a train wreck and other days feel like a rainbow is shining down.
The hardest part is the nausea and pain for him, the fatigue is real, and the side effects are brutal.
One day closer to the finish line. One day closer to the start of a new life.
Enjoy your Sunday with these clouds and cool breezes. Love hard. And be thankful for the little things. Like nice people. Good doctors and amazing nurses.

Happy Sunday and get after your work week!

This warrior mama lisa

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