Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 4

Well, entering day four seems to have shown a small glimmer of hope. Not that we don't live for hope as it is, it's just feeling more like we can see a less swollen face.
My first text to him this morning after creeping his social media page knowing he was awake was at 7:30. His response was "Morning my beautiful mama". He then shared that he still hurts everywhere, but actually sipped a little bit of water. Which is HUGE!
Today he is decent in spirits. Smiling through conversation. Texting people back in between cat naps. They've just poked his fingers because glucose is off. I remember this during round two of chemo. He said he feels a teeny tiny bit better. He's still in the ditches. And he has a very long way to go. The swollen red face from Palifermin is gone, but the lingering effects of radiation is still in sight. With more to go. His hair is falling out, and I find him pulling at it. Something that always has turned my stomach, but really.....whom am I to bitch about it. My goal when I left last night was to find out why he was swollen on his left side. His left arm especially. His left ankle and foot too. They pages the on call oncologist asking for an alternative to Lasix. Which helps flush and increase output. One of the things that needs to be monitored is "output". Without that, our bodies tend to retain.
Something I also requested is to have his pic line checked.
This nurse is good, and caring, but miss your GOOD nurse when they're off.

Last night Bill and I left here for an evening at the race track. Horses that is. The only reason we decided we'd go is because a customer left VIP tickets for us. And it's a few miles from COH. We pulled into the track, finding pretty close parking. Me wearing some cute new shoes. Hair actually curled. And lipstick on!
I see people making their way towards us like the closure at Disneyland. Bill asks someone if the races are still going. The answer..."nope"

We both laugh. Hop back in the car, and home bound we went. I have to say I pouted a little. Just
because I wanted to sit in a new different environment and have a stiff cocktail.

We had dinner close to home, and our night watching AZ win, was probably meant to be.
I'm gonna help him shower now, his nurse is getting him unplugged and wrapped.
He a tad bit grumpy to her, so I just type and keep my head down. I can only imagine how shitty he feels. I bet he'll feel better after his shower.

Everything is better after a shower.
Enjoy your Sunday night...2 weeks here tomorrow. And one step closer to the finish line...just not at the race track...
WBC 0.1
HgB  8.6
Platelets 8
Cr 0.64

Keep on praying, and praise the nurses, lab workers, and doctors on staff!

This warrior mama lisa

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