Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Day 14.

Day 14. The day his doctor told us about weeks and weeks ago. 
How----( in her witty itty screatchy voice, as she used her fingers entwined together showing by example that the stems would come to peace with his body)-
It happened.  

And the path has been pure hell to put it lightly.  Sprinkled in a few moments of smiles.  And laughs.  
But guys.

And to think the path he still has ahead of him.  Our path. 
This path. 
This miracle. 
Bill made the early drive to him this morning.  
Three things must happen so he can come home. 
Regaining strength to walk.  A good distance, every day.  He did three laps today around the West Wing-
Eating on his own.
Output and good labs. 

Today's counts-

WBC 2.2
Hgb 11.3
Platelets 147
Cr. .62

The side effects (normal)-  Super sweaty.  Super tingly. And super stinky.
These things are part of the stems rapidly making cells now, and growing and thriving in his body.
It's really a miracle you guys.
He said he can feel it while it's happening.  How surreal, right?  I
Last night I drove home. Hopped in the shower to wash my hair while the sun was setting.  Something about the dry evening air that makes my dry time faster, and easier.  
I managed to shave. *holla*-  And slather with all of my coconut lotions. 
Treated my hair with some stuff Kali left behind.
And flat ironed my hair. 
It was like one of those nights that just felt at peace. 

Soon, I decided to go through my phone and start sending pictures to my desktop here. 
To journal this journey.  

His doctors say that maybe he can come home by the end of next week.  You know the goal there is to get up and walk.  Get going Kris. 
The night before admission.

The day of measuring to protect his lungs.  This machine that will kill his marrow. Frying his insides.
The day we arrived.

Shit about to get real. 

First round of radiation-

My early morning brisk walks into get him up and ready for radiation days....

My prayers would start and sometimes end right here...

This nurse that doped him with Ativan....

Day two radiation, giving me signs of hope.

My view before he'd shut the window the following week, and make us keep it closed- TORTURE.

First day back from radiation- Dry heaving began.

This one breaks my heart, because he was already out of it, but would always smile at me, knowing I was right by his side.

Same with sister....

On the 8th, with 3 more to go.  Couldn't keep his head up.  Thank goodness for mama's that bring pillows...

Of the 11 rounds, he had them stop 3 times to puke. Some people pass out.

11 rounds of Radiation.  12 minutes long.  Total Body Radiation- 

A lotion filled back, before we really knew how bad it would get.

The Dynamite Chemo.  One bag, and the residual side effects can't be described.

Trying to keep the spirits flowing....


Walks before counts completely dropped...

A fellow transplant day behind  Kris. His brother was a match...

Day 0- Feeling really crappy. Mouth sores and rash beginning.

The building in which his stems arrived, and were double checked.

Nervous and very sick.

VERY anxious and didn't want to talk.  Irritated beyond. 

Stems from Germany!

Him photographing them filtering into his body....

My auntie Lynda bringing us homemade we gathering for this miracle-

The following days, fevers would come and fevers would go.  Labs would be drawn.

The face saying "Mom, this is horrible"

But best friends show up to give love.
The day he called scared about his eye. 
On your sickest days, you're still happy to see Mama, and Jen.  To have family hold you up in spirit.

The day after you told me you can't go on anymore....

Too weak to walk, but we got the heck out of that room for a little bit. 

And the counts would climb.  And we'd all celebrate little victories, cheering him on....

Finally strong enough to go through cards. He would only read things on his phone, or computer.  Books, cards...magazines...a bit too much.

Yesterday's dog therapy.  I haven't seen him so happy in 3 weeks.

Today's counts.  And the board we stare at 

Someone's super excited to see Dad soon....

So there's a little glimpse of what the last three weeks have looked like from le' cell phone. 

Each day. Each miraculous change in his marrow. 

He will undergo another bone marrow biopsy shortly after discharge.  The things we pray for are no cells left of Kris.  

Just the new Krissofer (in a German accent) lol
We also pray for no Graft Vs. Host-

Just a new better cancer free Kris!

Happy Humpday.  May you get love and cuddles in abundance....

Love to you,

This Warrior Mama Lisa

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