Friday, February 8, 2013

My latest edition of Wow's and Woah's.

Do you guys have "Things" that make you scratch your head with "Woahs",  while others make you go, "Wow? No?  Well, I certainly do. And most things make me ponder beyond ponder.
Like this dude.  I. Don't. Know. Why, but he bugs the holy-bajeezers out of me.  I think this might be like the 4th time I've HAD to see him in underwear.  Seriously, like why Mario, why?
His poor chick.  Or maybe not. Maybe she's into underwear and a dude that lays in a tanning bed on a daily.
#nothanks. #yuck  #intoyourselftoomuch
I'm more along the lines dee dah

A common view.  Checking his phone and emails.  #cantshutitoff

HAHA. #deadserious- Are you laughing with me kids? Oh my god, this stuff is cracking me up.  I love you B. I mean Bill.  You are so much more than underwear man up above.  For serious.  Especially on Tattoo, mess up yo arm for the entire Cabo week. oh. em. gee.
So...on to more Woah's....How bout these fellers?  Do they not make you smile every. time. you drive by and they ask you to honk?  At 7am?  I honk and always wonder...hmmm what gives that kind of energy?

I want this.  Valentines Day.  Bill?  Bueller?  crickets, hi......Hello sweet feller, I want you on my finger.
This email arrived about discipline.  I must.  Although I have to say, there are about 20 things I need want.  I will remain disciplined.  But, please go shop.  And let me know what you get, k?

Still standing on the top in Sunset League.  I missed a good game for a Dr. Appt. this week.  Thank goodness I did miss though, 2 girls sent to hospital. One with 4 stitches, and a broken nose, the other slight concussion.  Another hobbled to car with a very hurt ankle.

What a week it's been. Whatya say?  Happy it's Friday? Good soup recipe planned? No?  Did you check out the Pioneer Woman's website?  Go look, and make that potatoe soup.  I'm making the Tortilla Soup.  Have fun little shoppers.  Count down for the biggest over-rated lover day of the year.
Go easy and order these from my chica Donna.  They are adorable and sweet (pun-intended!ha) contact-Crows Cookies.  Find them on Facebook or message me, and I will set you right up.  Trust me when I say they are adorable...and delicious! 
 Order now.  Prices run between 10 and 30 buckaroos.  Do it you wild thang. Say what?!

Chow for now...

xoxo  always more besos. 


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