Wednesday, October 9, 2013

You have always.

Been the deep roots from which I am.

You gave me this life.

And worked hard to be the best for it.

You taught me things that I never knew I'd need until now.
Like strength.
And courage.
And determination.

Mom, I always bossed the house around.
Looking back, I think I did. 
It was and who I am.
I cared to care for you.
I soaked up every bit of watching you.
Do your hair.
Sitting under the dryer for 2 hours at a time.
And that beautiful hair of yours.

The cook you are.  And always did for us.
It was something magical.
I can remember you making me stand in that little kitchen of ours watching you make gravy.
How to keep stirring and stirring and don't stop so it won't lump.
To this day, I am the queen of gravy makin'.
Thank you Mom.
I can remember you making me stand there while you and Dad fried Chicken.
To the perfection of perfection.
It was beyond delish.
Who else makes our enchilada's and home made salsa fresca like we do?
It's because of you.

I remember you strapping  your frustration belt on to head to the school because I was suspended.
For acting out at the worst place. School.
I hated to dissappoint you.
I always wanted to make you happy.
Our days of museums as a family.
Or beach days together.
Those were some of the best days of my life.
And it was because of you.
Because you put one foot in front of the other to hold us together.
The glue Mom.
All the amazing ice chests filled with the perfect lunches for beach days.
Or mountain camping.

Some of those sleepless nights were some of our hardest days.
And you held it together for us.
I thank my lucky stars that you held on.

The road between is far. 
At least we can travel it. 

It's because of you Mom.
I am able.
My last visit gave me more of you.
The smell of your home.
The smell of your kitchen, and the smile on your face.
When we walk in, and can say "ohhhh Hi Mom"
I am lucky.
Because of you, I have her.  
A girl to pass on all the traits you have passed to me.

She's alot like you Mom.
She's patient.
And true.
And loving.
And loves to work out.

My boy will be the first to share the love that flows from Grandma and Papa's house.
The food especially.
The warmth and love you show and give is undeniably the best we've felt from anyone.  Especially him.
My roots are you.
And I can't thank you enough Mom.
For giving and staying when you could have run.
Or changed.
You didn't.
I can remember some of our hardest laughs. Tina, you and I.
Those laughs in the car that would have us quiet with tears streaming down our faces.
We had eachother.

All the snacks, and meals we'd share because of you.
Those Friday afternoons in the laundry mat almost miserably attached.
You'd refuse, yet buckle to my request for another can of Aquanet hairspray.
It made a mess in our little bathroom.
And yet, you'd cave and buy.
You would sit on our beds on Saturday mornings trying to wake us to join you.
Sipping your coffee, and making us cringe.  ha. 
You taught me where to save a buck, and yet spend on quality.
The love for gadgets, and sweet goodness for my house came from you.
Animals will always find a better place because of us.  Because of you. 

Because of you Mom.

Today we celebrate your day. Miles apart, but still for you.

Your birth. This beautiful month of October. 

This life of yours has been full.

And because of you, we are a family.

Happy Birthday sweet beautiful you.

Mama, I am sure Dad is spoiling you today.  With good meals, peaceful moments on your precious land.
Together.  On this great day.

I love you.

Your littlest little. 


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