Wednesday, October 30, 2013

From them.

My parents are tucked up high in the Sierra's.  High above the city life on property that we call, wide open space.  In comparison to where we reside, it's quite the simple living.  Simple in the meaning of public versus a city where helicopters roar above us.  Where sirens are tuned out because of the regularity.   Where walking outside will most often give you the presence of a neighbor.   A kid riding their bike by.  A car zooming down our street as though it's a speedway.

Dogs bark, and cats run from house to house.  It's the city life.  Where my parents live, the meaning of living is way different.  It's really not an easy term to say "Easy living"- because I've watched my parents take care of their property.  And to be real honest here, it's quite busy.  From worrying about their "Well", and it's pump assuring water will flow.  To the garden that gives them a sustainable living, some food, and life.  To the worry of fire in the fall, and the howl of wind can mean that power might subside for a while.  The many walks of wild life that roam and eat my mama's flowers.  The worry of a rattlesnake biting my little doggy sister "Bella"-
The crazy wooley boogers (dried weed like pokey things)  as my Dad calls them that get in your socks if you step off a trail.  And if they do, just throw your socks away.  Not worth trying to get those fools out.
Trust me.  

The drive to the store is an outing.  It's like a Saturday afternoon field trip.  Fill up the gas tanks, load up on groceries, and head back up the hill.  It's their simple life.  It's the life they love.  And for that I love it for them.

Their property is gorgeous.  It's almost mystical on an evening watching the sunset behind the trees.  Listening to the many birds chirp to one another as they say goodnight.  They have a wild peacock that resides behind my Dad's truck bumper during the day.  Giving himself kisses and love while he looks at himself.  He makes his way to the highest tree, every night.  Sleeping away from predators.  While he keeps an eye on their house.  To me, this is the sweetest relationship.

The many deer that have babies there, and just know that house gives good love.  And food.  And wild peaches and plums.  There is one baby deer that as fed wild plums, walks in circles back wards.  I know...strange.  But to me, she's saying...."yummm yummmmm"-

While you shower, in pure, pure, super pure water, you can feel the difference.
As you fall into a slumber the sound is almost eerily quiet.   The dark is so dark, it's apparent why all walks of life is tucked away.

My parents have their source of goodness there.  That's for sure.  They love where they are.  They miss us, I know that for super sure.  I miss them.  Thank goodness we have phones to share love, almost on the daily.  My parents send texts of sweet goodness, regularly.  And for that I am so thankful.  Without some, I wonder how different our relationship would be.
My Dad checks on my son almost daily.  My Mom sends words of praise to Kali....and for that, I can't be more grateful.
It's a reassuring blanket for me.
When something is funny, or silly, we often shoot it up to them.

I received this last Friday night in the middle of my hustle of dinner prep, and pumpkin carving prep....
After sitting on the 605, soon the 405, and the crunch of traffic...just getting to where I am going. For my local peeps those two combined numbers alone reek bullshit in a cup.  A little overwhelmed after a long week, it's refreshing to see this sweet goodness.
Yes, it's just a tree.
Yes, it's just a little tree on their property.
But you see, it's more than that.  It's pure natural beauty, called a "Smoke Tree"-  Offers such delight in the Fall.
What this means to them means more to me.  They take the time to look around.  Finding simple beauty in the mix of their world up there.
That simple living that sometimes can be more than that.
They have worries.
They have lots to take care of.
They have eachother.
For that I can't be more grateful.

What they gave to me is this simple loving way.
To look around and find beauty away from material. Finding peace, and pure simple things in this fast paced life.

I like to send them slices of my life here.  The beach.  Sea shells, and the ocean.  I know they drink it up.
I do know a part of them misses all things here.  Us for sure.  I do know that.  And so we will continue to send pictures of our fun simple life here, and hope that we will continue to see texts of their beautiful simple life there.

Planning another trip soon.  I will road dog with my kiddo's again.  I will do a turn around trip to see, touch and feel that sweet goodness up there.

Until then, the little pictures hold me over.  The kind words my parents send as praise.  And thankfulness to us.  To me.  Encouraging, and pushing me to be a better person.
As I always remind them of who they made, and why I am here.

To spread kindness, and goodness where I can.

Happy Humpday Humpers.

Get out in the fresh air, and look for simple beauty.  Take a walk on the sand, by the ocean side.  Look around and remember what this life is.   It's not to get a better car, or fancier purse.  It's not to compete with how better your kid is, or status they may be in.  It's loving eachother, and doing what works for you and your family.  Add coins to the memory bank, I promise you will be richer from that.  You will.

Start with simple. Go from there.

And if you don't feel like being kind today, oh, well, okay then.  Go slip away somewhere alone and hide.  Because to be quite frank with you, sometimes I feel the same exact way. 

Ok, I'll stop.

Always be kind to animals. 


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