Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Did you know?

That I love Iced Tea.  Plain.

I love coffee more.

I love Friday afternoons....

That I love dirty martini's. The dirtier, the better.  No pun intended.

That my favorite afternoon thing to do is sit next to this dude.  While sipping cold water, sitting on my patio and listening to classical music. 

Did you know that I am truly a tom-boy?

That as a young girl I asked way too many questions.

Right Dad?

In the car as a child my parents would sometimes explain The..."It's quiet time Leese"-

I always close the closet doors in my house before bed.  Any and all of em. 

And I wiggle my feet to fall asleep.

I am slightly afraid of the dark, and hear more noises when no one is home.  ha. 

That dirty bathrooms freak me out.  At home, or out and about.

That I have trained my son to ALWAYS put the seat down on that el toilet. 

That I am on the constant search for a good bargain while shopping.

And I have a "thing" for cute bowls, and plates.  Give me different eclectic colors and styles. 

The funkier the better. 

That I love curry on anything.

And prefer red wine over white.  

That I fear car accidents.  Like super bad.

That I preach to live simply, yet sometimes find myself getting caught up, in the fast lane. 

That although I am an early bird, I love to lay around on Sunday mornings, just a little bit longer.

That I love the feeling of finishing up a flower bed and watering it all down more than walking around ANY mall.

That I am not a Vegas girl.

That I actually have a shy side.

A side that sometimes makes me avoid people. 

That I despise people who own animals yet treat them badly.

I love sunrises, and sunsets.
That I have officially hid these white sunglasses.  

That I wash my hands like a freak.

I am a germaphobe to the max.

That I open public doors with my left hand, so if by chance my right hand gets near my face. ha.

I want to slow the clock down, yet a part of me doesn't.

That I have dyed my hair several tones of brown and dark brown.

And often wonder why my grey hairs came so early and continue to roll in like the morning sunshine.  ugh.
I have a senior.  I can't believe it. 

I have a twenty four year old.

And that I am in my mid-forties.

Crazy you guys.
That I love this picture of us, yet wonder why Kali's hair isn't "put together"....

Bill, you've been a trooper right along side me for many years.

And I can't thank my lucky stars enough that you still walk right along side me.

Happy Humpday Humpers.

Do you have funny quirks about you?

Are you afraid of the dark?

Wiggle your piggies at night?

Flip the pillow over in search of a cooler side?

Big love, and bigger smiles.


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