Thursday, October 17, 2013


There are things I read that put me back in my seat.

I carry my ipad most everywhere I travel.  For several reasons that include emails, banking, and reading material.  Work, work, work.

My favorite thing to do is curl up somewhere and get lost reading good inspirational blogs, or stories. Real ones about life through hard work, pain, strength....all while remaining positive. I love to read happy stories about cute families sharing good times, and growing moments.  I love to see new babies coming into the world and preggo bellies growing with such beauty....  I love to see life through travels, and inspiration through hard work, new colleges, and experiences.  I love all of it.  I soak it up. Some of the phony cheesy ones I tend to steer away from.  Meanwhile spreading love and kindness when and where I can.  I am not perfect.  I cry when I hurt.  I cry for others.  I pass judgement when I shouldn't and I may hurt people along my trail.  But my joy in this life is to pass kindness.  And laughter.  

Yesterday while I went through my normal spots on the big ol' web...I land on my fav news page.

And came across this

I cannot imagine.

The moment you become a parent.  The very second that baby is laid in your arms, and you kiss their sweet new cheeks, it's a love so deep that only a parent can understand.

Bullying is real.

Being gay is real.

Hypocrisy is real.

Pain is real.

Living this life without your child is real.

Teaching your children that all people are born the way they are born is real.

Hatred is a terrible thing.

It's starts with us, as parents.  To teach our kids respect. Kindness, and the true meaning of loving one another.

Kindness matters.  Our children mimic us.  They soak up what they see, hear, and live.
It starts with us.  The imperfectly non-recipe manually driven us.
Kindness can happen though.

Spread love like no other people.  Especially when evil creeps around more than ever.

Big Love, and beautiful day to you...

ps.  little prayer request for my Aunt Cece/Godmother...she had a stroke affecting the right side, in hospital and while we await all the details, we watch family pull together. Her road will be tough  for the days to come.  Thank God she survived.

Peace be with you Mama.

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