Thursday, August 30, 2012

Well, hello there fellers.

So the heat wave hit us.  Again.  As Bill has always said.  When school starts back up, we get hit. Every. Single. Year.  You see that's why we don't need jackets Dad.  That's why those little suckers can wait until October.  The one thing I can't wait for?  Falling leaves, the way the sun shines, especially by the waterside...and autumn candles.  Oh, and maybe normal dinners cooked in the kitchen vs. not wanting to get one bit close to fire.  I anxiously await you fall. I do.

I yearn for these prints.  I will own them.  Soon.  Trust me.  What is it about Octopus lately?  I think they are the most beautiful creature.  More like enchanting

 And so are these little fellers.  My little rocks.  Even when they irritate me, and Kali still can't keep her room tidy, and Kris forgets simple things like picking up 3 items from the grocery store, to be told, go back and get them.  Like now.  Hello Mr. 23. Toilet paper(don't forget the thin stuff, mustard, milk and red leaf lettuce. you got this K) I still love them. So, so much. 

Which brings me to the topic of spiders.  I went home early yesterday, feeling rather green.  Rather blue and green.  Just yucky.  Yucky enough for me to drive home, crawl into bed and stay there.  
As I went out to move my car while Kris went to retrieve Kali from practice for me, I turn my lights on and THE. BIGGEST. REDDISH. SPIDER. THE. SIZE. OF. A. LARGE GRASSHOPPER. crawled across my car, on a web and sat there staring at me.  I sat there stunned staring back.  It is, in fact time for fall.  Right?  
The night before, Bill and I had THE MOST WONDERFUL dinner with my Aunt and Uncle W & R from waaaayy up north.  You know the ones with the baby horsies...? Ya, them.  We dined at Mahe's in Seal.  We sat for almost 2 hours.  Just looking into their eyes.  The years of their help. Their laughter. Their smiles, their hugs. Their encouraging words.  It was them.  Sitting across from me.  Talk about a perfect way to start my week.  Oh. And we took pictures out front. Guess what?  Lisa's camera didn't have the memory stick all the way in.  So Lisa must get the cord and upload the old school way.  This weekend. #YESIALMOSTHADASTROKEANDFREAKEDOUT.   I will frame this picture of us.  I will also post this weekend. I hope everyone has enjoyed their week so far.  Kali started school yesterday.  No I didn't get any pictures. Yes be surprised, I am too.  Yes, she's already complained of 2 of her new teachers.  No, I really don't care. It's life.  That will happen for the rest of her life.  With peers, people, friends, neighbors, colleagues.  Life.  That stuff just happens.  She better stay on top of her game.  Her coach expressed "Hell" week will come sooner than later.  And it will be hard.  Ha. Talk about icing on the cake.  Life.  Chapter 16.  Have a great weekend kids.  Have fun.  Don't litter.  Eat good food, drink good wine.  Seriously, drink good wine.  Or try the pineapple martini's at Mahe's.  They will go down as one of the best.    oh, and WATCH OUT FOR SPIDERS PLAYERS. YOU MUST.  YOU MUST.  THEY ARE COMING OUT EARLY....... Boom. Fair warning.   Love to you and all of you silly heads like me.    I am sorry this post is wacky. I clicked something on this particular post, and now it's jacked. Tomorrow it wont be.  Sorry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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