Monday, August 20, 2012

It all went a little something like this.

Day one.  While Mama (Auntie Lisa preps....) these little chicks keep the pool cool.

I finally convince Bill that working on the boat, and in the garage isn't all the popular topic while in Havi.  And could we pulleeze get out for dinner. 

And so we did.  And it was fab.  As  always.  That place is yummmy!

Some of the group arrived Thursday night.  Here's the kick off Friday morning. Birthday boy in his new hat. Sunblock applied by girl.

Red solo cup......I fill you up....Let's have a partaaaayy.

The weather was perfect.

The group was perfect.....

New toys and all.

Yes, that hippo?  Harder than it looks to stay upright.

Love the color in this.  Love the candid faces.  Some serious.  Some could care less.  Some way into it.  HAHA!

Happy Birthday to Merkemer......Happy Birthday to you......

The sleeping quarters.  The smart ones remembered their blowup mattresses.  The others?  Well.  uh um.  See that tile? 

"WOULDJAA LOOK AT THATTT"!!!  So Saturday morning rolls around.  Bill and I turned the keg in, took the catered trays back, and were off to rent his car for clothing show.  He would depart from Havasu and straight to Vegas.  As we walk into Avis at the airport (very kind and polite service by the way...)  The lady says..."um...the only car I have that NEEDS to get back to Vegas is a Mustang"  to which my reply "well, it's the same price as the original one I ordered right?"  She says "yup".   So, with the paper work complete, we head outside, and of course stuff like this cracks me up.  I've always joked about guys in Mid-life   sportcars.  And so there you have it.   Dad is cruising off in this.  And of course at each light we'd chuckle a little at each other.  So she was stashed in the garage.  We couldn't stop chuckling.   Boom.  Sexy.  Orrr. maybe not.   HAHAHAHAHAH!

And while these people were down at the channel getting their party on in the cabana....we were getting the things listed above done.  Like red sports cars.  And just like that.  We arrive. 

To beautiful warm skies.  Temps perfect. water can only be so perfect.  eek

And one might wonder...? Well where are all the other bazillion pic's you took?  Well.  If one person couldn't keep their middle finger down.  Delete.  And when you creep onto instagram while laying in bed that evening and find a kind of provocative  looking dancing picture of your teen girl after you've expressed and bragged over and over that your daughter wouldn't dare take pictures like that....well she did.   Go ahead roll your eyes people.  I am too.  It was deleted after being humiliated by both of us. (the picture consisted of Kali, Tori and Mac dancing together while the look of spanking each other with their tongues out....That kind of stuff makes my stomach turn.  Well, when it's your daughter-whom I never thought would do that-and trust me, it really wasn't that bad, it's just enlightening.)  So my motto "never say never" looked at me dead center of the eyes.  Lesson learned by her.  Lesson learned by us. One warning. Bill said "hun maybe it's because she see's all of the other girls on the boat...blah blah blah".  I say NO.  Act like a sl*t, take pic's like one? Watch this Mama come alive. In a not so kind way.  Life is pretty simple. SHE should know better.  Period. No excuses.  Look around, there are plenty of hookers girls dancing on top of boats.  Plenty of action.  Beautiful body and all.  They do not need her to flaunt in a trashy way. EVER.  She's an athlete.  With a career path, and academics to get her through.    And so our conversation was brought back up in the truck on the way home.  With 3 teens listening to me while I preached.  Is that the kind of representation you'd want a college scout to see?  Is that what you'd want Grandma and Papa to see? Kali's response?  Mom, it really wasn't that bad, have you seen what some girls post on instagram from school? My friends?  I said "Kali that is exactly why you've NEVER had a Facebook.  It's the temptation.   BUT she must know better.  I believe, and hope she does now.   Oh. The. Joys. Of. Raising. Girls. In. This.Day. Of.Living.  So.  Never say never.  Don't judge too hard.  And always always, talk with your girls.  And, yes, we will still be Havasuians.  We will still enjoy time on the lake with our kids, and in the channel.  It's TELLING them along the way....what looks right, and what looks completely slutty wrong.   Whew.  Thanks for listening.  I do feel better. Next year maybe we should make her wear a one piece.  yes? 

We did get a couple of monsoons.  And while sitting by the pool I spot a rainbow above our house....Hoping it brought us luck. I think it did.  Life is good. 

Next morning.  I left all cleaning supplies on the counter.  I am talking Windex, mop stuff, bathroom cleaners, brooms, brushes, trash bags, vacuum attachments.  All sat to wait for their "morning rise".  And they cleaned.  And they cleaned.  And I sat in my room, with the doors shut, fans on, air cool,  checking emails, making sure Bill's itinerary, flights, rooms, all attendees rooms, etc were handled.....They cleaned.  And we sat.  It takes us an additional hour after our house is emptied before we depart.  Little checks and balances....all put into place. 

And so we can safely say we pulled off Kris' last birthday bash.  We wish him many more beautiful years on this Earth. That he stay wise, healthy and safe.  That he remember the hard work we put into celebrating his life.  For those of you that celebrated with us we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. For Mike and little Mitchell for making it. For family and friends that drove a long distance to be with us.  We appreciate the celebration more because you were part of it.   CHEERS!  Friends are sometimes the only rocks we all have. 

Yesterday while we drove down the 40 in 2 separate cars, while waving to eachother as he exited towards Vegas...we knew we'd both be ok. (because I am a chicken to drive in the desert in the summer, especially alone...) We knew we'd have our missions to handle and accomplish.  We knew that we have eachothers backs no matter what.  That is what we are made of.   I salute Bill for rocking Fatal to this level.  The booth view this morning.  The successes are endless.  The journey is incredible.  Big things are happening people.  Big things.   

You are welcome I blogged.  Because every single bit of my body wants to shower, make a cool salad and chill.  But tonight, my agenda calls for school shopping, soccer practice, and then maybe figure out what cool salad to make. 

Bam.  I am done. 

Thanks kiddo's.  It was a wild ride.  Play fair, but play hard.  

Me. With some more energy.  That came out of no where.  HA!

P.S. Happy Birthday to some sweet girls this week.  Mary, Manya and Tina!  The tres Virgos! 

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