Friday, November 16, 2012

Well, we made it. I think.

Friday is here...and I am officially exhausted.  Toss in the "toss and turn" night?  yes, gonk me on the head with a stamp.  It should read: TGIF.   Took K back to the doctor, yesterday.  I love her doc.  If I haven't told you all before, please know now, I just do.  She has two daughters, a  few years older.  They went to the same school K attends, and they both played sports. She lives in our same little area by the sea.  SHE GETS IT.  From my silliest worries to common worries, she gets it.  And she so sweetly answers and always puts our minds at ease.  So antibiotics, lots of great advice...and off we went.  She looked at me straight in the eyes and said "Mom, don't worry, she's fine, this virus is gone, we'll treat the bugs that stayed behind...and NO you won't get stop worrying".  HAHA!  So I thanked her as I always do, and washed my hands one more time, while grabbing yet another paper towel to open the door and get on down the road.  After a stop into the pharmacy for some Monstervicilin. Ps- I took all the darm meds, potions, hopeful syrups, and put them all in one place on a table. Out of the bathroom to offer this shiz an exit out of our door...P.s.s. i know i have posted this pic before. it always makes me smile.  and today that matters.  look how high bill flies dude. 

Five. More. Months.    five.  yes. 

And to add to my long list of "wants", not needs, is this beauty of a bag.  For my Ipad.  Isn't it the cutest little thing you've seen?  Well, to me.  Remember, I don't like glitter. Never have, never will.  Just not my thing.  And if it gets on me? Watch out.  kidding.  I don't know how the peeps at Michael's do it at the end of the day.  I'd own a wind blowing device to  HAHA!    Date night tonight. One glass of wine. And off to bed.    SIKE.    Cheers little piggies. Enjoy this cuddly night.  Catch a good movie, make a good meal, or just enjoy some good quiet time with those you love. Even animals. Sometimes they are better.  Boom.  K, one last reminder, wash yo hands players.  now.  

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