Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oh. Nothing new. Just tubes of toothpaste for each human I share with....that's all.

So nothing new in this hood.  Just overwhelmed with germs, wipies, clorox spray, lysol, and a bathroom that looks like a medicine cabinet exploded.  That's all. Oh.  And enough dixie cups to water an army.  Sorry recycling friends. Sorry Mom and Dad.  Sorry Mother Earth.  This girl isn't taking any risks.   So enjoy these next few pictures.  They always make me smile or laugh.  The one above was a sand soccer tournament.  Shirts handed out days before. The night before I COULD NOT find hers anywhere. We are talking melt down mode. The most horrific feeling as a parent.  New team? New Coach? New players? New place? Oh no biggy kid, lets make it out of tape.  #4thplaceforthismom.  I later found it in her closet, in the back, in a bag.  It did create some sort of memory though, right?  #justify

Anytime, anyone, anywhere can catch a rainbow.  It's all too good. 

Fast boats, cool Fall days, no swells, perfect water.  Happy Mom.  Happy...well...I think kid. 

Love K's smile here.  Always will.  Driving silly parents home.  Thanksgiving time.  Good stuff.  So...that's all folks.  You've been treated, yet again, with not much.  Both kids still fightin' whatever kick ass bug caught them.  It will go down as one of the roughest ones.  For both.  K's missed work, school, soccer and studies.  It's terrible.  Should be gone for them in a couple days or this terrible Mom that is a germaphobe and has a gazillion things to do every day this week can finally relax..?   As they say, "We are braver and stronger than we my know".....?  Well, my test button has been pushed.  And it is official, I am a freak.  Each person I live with will now have their own toothpaste.  Labeled.  Done.  Call me a freak, or call me mean.  Life's too short to worry about that darn tube of paste. (Why haven't we all thought of this earlier, makes perfect sense to me)  Hope you are washing those hands kids.  Look at me.  In the face.  Pinkie promise.  Adios for now little turkey heads.  Gobble Gobble.  Love, The Mean Mom

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