Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shortened version. Just because.

Chapter 17.  Dinner happened.  Our little family.  With her.  Those may or may not be fried bananas topped with ice cream. oh m gee.


And then just to make you feel better, as if this will, spiders do exist in my house.  This big guy. Crawling across the kitchen floor.  And this Mama came to Kali's rescue.  So if I was you, I'd raise your glass with a toast.  To me.  Thanks. Well, thanks from Mr. Spider, whom I let go out on the sidewalk. #hopehefindsanewhome.

And this cool feller, Thom.  Big things happened last night, in his honor.  Retirement.  Good stuff there. Good party. You did it Thom.  Thanks for the tears watching your video, while "Don't Blink" K Chesney played.  I dare any one of you to play that song, and try to NOT get a lump in your throat.  It. gets. me. E.V.E.R.Y.T.I.M.E.  Goodness all around Thom. You rock. Captain Thom.


And these little birdies help ring in the celebration.  Part of those pictures included them as babies, at the fire house, and at home.  Sitting with their hero.  Daddy. 

We celebrated with live music, super food, good wine....and a chauffeur.  Doesn't get better than that.  Well, if my sugar plum was with me.  I think it would.

But we partied. 

And this morning we had soccer.  Kali scored an amazing goal.  We won.  Life is good.  Life will be much better when this garbaaaagggee is done and gone.  Seriously, between commercials that are so conflicted, and posters that are all the trashy hype.  I am officially over it . All Day Every Day, yup I'm over it.  

And I miss him.  I sat down to write and blog tonight with a writers block.  And that sometimes just happens.  I will get back atcha  probably tomorrow. No big promises, but probably. You all know I will.  Stay tuned for some amazing pictures from this dudes trip.  We talk every afternoon while he prepares for his day. His early mornings are my evenings.  Talk about strange. He sounds groggy, and I'm winding down from a long day.   I feel like a teenager checking my phone.  Oh, and the emails.  Tons of pictures.  Tons of gush back and forth.  We're all about that. Just kidding. Totally kidding.   I become so excited I have to pause to let him share....this weekend in a nutshell was quiet. Perfect. Simple and fun.  I enjoyed sharing dinner with K and Gio on Friday night.  That was a highlight.  It is always nice to stare into their little faces and capture all the goodness.  Right then and there.  Saturdays celebration for Thom was everything I expected.  And more. Those people know how to throw a party.  My only gripe? I didn't have my partner in crime to laugh, dance and hug on.  Today's game was the perfect icing on the end of the weekend cake.  K, your goal was spot on kick ass.  Good stuff kiddo.  And that my kids will be my shortened version with only a quarter of the pictures I captured of the weekend.    Be true, be real. Be fair. And don't forget to vote.  Always, Always, kind to animals.  Go get em peace makers.  Kindness is power.  Remember  this when someone is trying to break you down.  Smile.  Smile big, and remember to pull out the BS umbrella. I sure will. P.S. Go watch the video of "Don't Blink" by Kenny Chesney.  Man up or grab some kleenex.

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