Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mom, I am not feeling well.

 This is what I hear last night after the football game.  Her red eyes, and sore throat were all tall tail signs.  She has what Dad had.  (no, i don't have a semi-mullet pictured here)

When they are little, you swaddle them in blankets, and dote over every inch, assuring that everything will be ok.

And at this age, you start to worry when there is a fever....because they can tell you just how bad it hurts....

While they lay in worry, but you serve them.  Oh. So. Well.

And at night you still toss and turn that she'll be ok, and that fever medicine should do the trick. And Red Solo cups aren't just for the parents. HA

Because these sweet little innocent days go by faster than I would have ever imagined.

And that's because she slept with me.  I would watch her every aching move.....hearing her breath.

Just waiting for happy times again....

While colds and flu bugs do their thang.  ugh.

But today she is curled up in her room.   Missing her drivers behind the wheel that she couldn't wait to get done...

Knowing that her Mom still has her back.  And call button for nursing.

When going to L Christian Church Camp was the scariest adventure she'd been on.

And those words "watch us Mom" were relentless at the time, but soon to be missed.

And the days when she'd want to stay with B and I wherever, and whenever she could....

And the social life starts to creep into the chapters of life....

Well, and alot of family social things too....

School, Academics and Sports consume like no other too.

Winning the game.  And giving every bit of effort to do so.

And this sweet feller enters Chapter 16. 

And called first thing this morning with his requests of "what can I bring over?"  and can I come over and just be with you and help you?  And so the feeling starts to change a little as a Mommy.  I've cleaned her room....I know roll your eyes, I shouldn't and don't anymore...but I cut her some slack, after all, it looks like swine flu and west Nile could possible grow in there if not immediately tended to.  Or maybe something grew out of the pile of clothes "that she decided not to wear, Tues. Wed. Thur and Fri"? So I did.  I left her Tea, bedside. Her Advils close by too.  Lots of cough drops and fluids.  She will be fine.  She must rest.  I must watch. I will clean and do all things I want today.  Which is watch cooking channels, clean a little.  Organize where nurse and drop-in inspector when G arrives.  She will be ok.  Day 1. The flu bug.  Thank God not the tummy one.  Just a gnarly head, throat, and chest.  We have an early game tomorrow, and her coach is relying on her.  This chick better pull through today.  How are you spending your Saturday?  Remember to treat yourself to something sweet.  Something for YOU.  Smile on the inside and outside too.  It helps change the attitude for you and for those that surround you.  Oh.  And don't forget to drink good wine.  I certainly will.  Count down for my B to come home. Yes, I miss you buddy.  I do.  Cheers to you kids.  Have fun.  Think of me while you do.  I'll be mixing hot tea and giving sweet treats to those little birds while she heals.  holla.

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