Thursday, February 11, 2016

Weekly Visits

Well, we are back in the saddle again. But this time, just for a few hours. We arrived at City Of Hope with our hearts set to approach this mountain with gusto. His day yesterday wasn't what we all expected. He was down. And when you see his pictures of the weekend previous, you'd think his spirit was and is unbreakable. However, in's always a rollercoaster. You know, good days and bad. When he first came home, he was like a little boy at the entrance of Disneyland. But he's not an amusement type guy. He's an earthly soul with a wild spirit to capture wind in his face and sunshine. Only hitch is, sunshine is an enemy. Top that with a nagging Mama Bird and you have a spirit that is likely to be broken.

I fed his belly full. Topped him off with his meds and pulled away for work. Something I'm juggling like a clown at a rodeo. His mind is so ready to take the world on, but his body says different. He's not one to lay around and yesterday he was feeling unworthy. Unworthy in a work field, and unworthy in man-hood.  It was just a bad day. A bad day at home. In bed. Sorting. Life.
Just like many do. It's finding the rainbow after the storm.

We woke this morning with a spinal biopsy and labs staring at him.
He ate. We chatted. We drove. And we are here.

A biopsy to see new cells, new German cells. No cancer. A new chance. Counts, good labs, no infections...and a better feeling overall.

I sit next to him as he's navigating through more fear. More worries. More adrenaline and a rush to feel better.

As always, my hope is here. City Of Hope.

Happy Thursday friends....

Be kind, and love hard. Even on the hard days..

Sunshine is good....I really think it is..

Pray for good news!

Just waitin' for them to call Krissssopher (and hoping I don't pass out bedside as I stand in on my first spinal tap...)
This Mama Lisa

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