Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 19

Oh man, hope the big bad wolf doesn't blow this house down. 

Mr. El Nino....hold on to that wind dude.....

Day Nineteen.   A day he was told they will start to give him "pill" form versus IV.  Starting each day.
Until Thursday. Thursday is a day they are looking at for discharge. 


Yesterday we played Monopoly.  And I let him win.  JK.  Since he was a little guy his competitive blood runs deep and dark.  At parties when he was little I'd have to leave the room if "Pin-The-Tail-on the donkey" was played.  Or gosh forbid musical chairs.  We'd have to leave.  Like leave the party if he didn't win. 
Total jerk kid.  My aunt Michelle would agree with me, because my little cousin Danielle was the same. 
And so.....board games.  I played because I love to play with those little dollars. Man, add in some purple latex gloves, and you're a slick dolla dealer...And those green houses.  I was the cat. He was the ship.  And Zach was the Top Hat. 
The game was good.  And loooooooong. 
And he won. 

But only by default.  Because his friend Stone showed up-----

Saving Zach and I from losing even more.  I was down to 35.00.  Although I didn't owe Baltic Ave.  I did own some railroad.  I was getting to the silly point.  The point where when my sis and I were young I'd throw all the money in the air, and we'd laugh hysterical. 

And so..... Thank you Stone for saving Zach and I from losing our asses.   
Or ......our GET OUT OF JAIL CARDS.  
 I drove home in the wind. After hearing from Kali and how scared she was on the way home, and her legs were shaking because she couldn't see anything in front of her...and on and on.  And I stayed quiet, waiting for her to make the last leg of her trip taking streets from the 78 all the way to her apartment.  Before expelling what I told her that morning.  Asking "next time I say to leave, or give safety suggestions, will you listen"-  yes mom.  

The moral of every young adults life-  Live and learn...

Listen to your Mother.  

Or your Father. 

They've been down those roads. 

Last night I felt like my house was gonna blow over. If not blow over, then the water heater cover, bbq, trees, pillows on benches, water bowls, plants. 

I didn't sleep last night.  And not for anything in particular, just anxious Monday morning jitters.  And the sounds of things crashing and blowing around outside.  
Bucks was freaking out.  

This morning the text began.  He said his counts dropped a little.  But nothing to be alarmed about.  As we'd heard this happens.  He will begin taking meds to wean from IV.  The process at home and at the hospital will begin to get discharged.  

And so we won't be putting numbers on squares for Super Bowl....or maybe we will....

We WILL be filling a fridge with food to safely fatten my skinny bald birdie up. 

Covering his bed with the blankets his Grandma handed down to him as a newborn.  

Starting over. 


All over. 

Happy Monday friends....

Evie, if you read this- Split Pea soup......Woman.....get that one in a cook book.  Thawed that one out last night.  Wow. 

Love to you all.

And Kali.....don't drive in storms? K.

PS-Kris, You mentioned to Mama how hard it is to see your self as this.  Bald. Healing. All of it.  And I'm sorry if these posts hurt you.  For I think one day we will look back at how strong you are. How you endured a marathon bigger than most people.  And this beautiful bald head, and big eyes just remind me of you starting over.  My baby.  My baby birdie.  I love you. These are good.....

This Mama Still A Warrior Lisa

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