Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The weather.

I hear more and more about this crazy weather.  While folding clothes early Monday morning I over heard the news crew interviewing folks in the valley about their thoughts on the weather.   It was kind of funny to hear the many different opinions.  Complaints.  Grumbles and theories.  Kind of silly if you ask me.
It's a great thing to have rain.  May, April, September or June.  It's a very good thing.  While we were in Maui I heard of crazy weather bouts on the East Coast.  And I thought, come on people. Embrace it.  This is good.  I'm not talking floods where people suffer.  I'm not talking about land that is washed away.  I am talking about how rain is such a good thing.  We suffered a horrible drought last year.  So bad, that farmers had hundreds and hundreds of acres destroyed because of "no rain".

Embrace it people.  It's good.  Rain is good.  Soaking this land of ours is good.  The timing couldn't have been more perfect for the fires.  For the dry fields and mountainsides in great need.  It's a good thing.
The sun will be shining bright.  And brighter on some days than we may need/want.

I woke today on the wrong side of the bed.  Sometimes feelings can be hurt.  Sometimes people say things that can affect another loved ones soul.  Not always in a good way.  Sometimes in a way that will soil a happy moment.  Words.  I tend to take them to heart, and tuck them deep.  Always have. 

This weather talk for me is a break in all things Hawaii.  SAT'S.  Prom.  ASB.  My life that I see it. I feel like I serve many.  Like I give until the desire becomes tainted and almost unappreciated.  For many. 

As always, I work through my little page of weakness.  Pages of frustration.  Pages of dark moments.  You know, like me against myself moments.  I see it. It is a war worth fighting.  Because I have always been a happy girl.  The girl to preach to my kids about "being the bigger one".  And love others the way you want to be loved/treated.

Sometimes when you continue to always take "the higher ground" it breaks you down.  I am normal.
Some days I really feel like just leaving things aside.
Learning to love myself at all times is a must.  Trusting my gut, and going with what I know is right. And sticking to it.  Learning to value someones opinion but not taking everything personally.  Again, people will say things, ask things, and express things that I may not always agree on, and will most definitely hurt my feelings.  Learning to let go of those. Because deep down, I still love them.

Today, I am myself.  Wrong side of bed.  Or the perfect side.  I am myself.

Some people may look at me, or read my slice of life and think...."wow, that lucky girl...." or "man, she sure seems to have it all together"....etc.  Or maybe you laugh at this very sentence, and think...nah.  I don't girl.  ha.  But please know.  I don't.  I don't think anyone in this world has it all together.  But we work hard for it.  Most of us. And peace.  I also believe that love, and loving someone or receiving love can be one of the toughest feelings on this planet.  In this life.  It can be so good, yet so confusing and hard in other ways.

I have feelings.  I am strong.

I am a mother warrior, with a lengthy life long reason to be strong.  And today I am weak.

Tomorrow, will be a better day.

So, how about that weather?

Come on rain.  Pour down on me.

Maybe some good tears can help wash away the frustrations.

Thank you for reading today.

Today I am myself.

In all my imperfections, I am me. I will always be me.  And happy to say so. 

Who do you choose to be today?

I hope happy. 

ps. i am writing this post tonight, to land tomorrow.  tomorrow will be a better day.  happy tuesday little tacos.  be good.  and pray for me. 

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