Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What's up Wednesday....

I am very sure that anyone of you that know me will say that I adore candles.  More than my kids. Kidding. Settle down.  I am kidding!  haha. No, seriously I love them.  

I light candles almost daily in my house.  Sorry Firefighter friends, and spouses of such.  They are crazy dangerous.  I know sillies.  I am crazy like that.  I live on the edge. I light candles.  And love love love them.  Guess what today is?  Bath and Body Works' biggest sale of the year.  You read that right folks.  Starts today.  Go get yourself a candle called BOARDWALK.  You will die, go to Heaven, kiss all the sweets we've let loose up there, and come back.  Here.  To your living room. That might be dirty.  Or a kitchen that needs some scrubbing.  This candle will make you smile.  Takes all the dirt away.  Trust me.  LOL!  Lotions too.  Don't get me started on those.  Kali and I are nuts.  Yes, we are lotion-heads.  My bathroom/bedroom counters speak it.   No need for showers in our house fellers, just step on in and lotion up.  HAHA.  Kidding.  Head there today.  Look for a coupon on top of their killer sale.  Go today. Because by the weekend it might be picked over. 

Sneak peek at the tiles we I searched and FINALLY found at a pool tile company in FL  After searching numerous stores, like 10 stores for this tile, in and out of places.  As I would explain to the owners, workers..etc.  "I am looking for a Starfish an actual cutout.."  And would get handed painted sea life.  Tile on and so on....So discouraging.  I would leave that store, head to the next.  Asking the same question.  Over and over again.  One place referring me to the next.  Until my search on the big wide web found this awesome place.  Now, to pray over the tile guys who shall make this happen. (they shall be blessed over the kitchen and bar sink for us to stare at and smile..over and over..)

Why do I post this cheesy love picture of us?  Just because it makes me smile every time I see it.  We took it about 5 years ago.  In the wintertime.  I love kisses.  I love kissing him. He loves me.  He tells me daily. He is thoughtful, giving, loyal, silly with me, PATIENT, patient.... and super smart.  Oh.  And he lets me pick out whatever crazy tile I might like. He's good like that.  Plus he makes a mean Margarita.  Seriously.  That's what's up for Wednesday players. Kali's wrapping up the school year.  Crossing fingers she gets her braces off today.  Crossing fingers, toes, and anything that can be lucky.  Sad to say I don't think they are ready.  But I keep my opinions to myself.  We'll let Miss. Knowitall Ortho Dr. Tell her so.   


Just me. 

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