Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Whatever sounds good to you....

As most of you knew, Bill took his parents to Mexico for Gaylord's Fathers Day little celebration.  Little celebrations for them, consisted of dropping Shirley at her favorite salon in Rosarito Beach.  Grocery shopping while Gaylord sat in the car...Bill bought everything he knew they'd enjoy once they got home.  Hot Dog's.  Green tomatoes for breakfast with fresh bacon and eggs.  He's just that kind of Son.  After picking Shirley up at the Salon, they  headed farther south, tucking themselves into their home where only good memories blossom.  Where life as they know it is peaceful, happy and cozy.  The 3 of them.  Bill worked around the house, while Gaylord followed suit.  Bill has me closely convinced I will make the next trip.  I am a scarity cat these days. 

I missed him.  I put together his FD Gift. From the kiddo's.  From me.  All things that shout "new kitchen".  We waited for him to come home.  Kris' added gift of Corona's and lime.  And the ever so perfect card.  The kids love to pick cards for him.  Funny ones.  Well, Kali has become a little more gushy. 

I spy our new kitchen?  So close. I can shreeeeek with excitement. 

The 3 Musketeers.  LOVE.   

The sun has not peaked out early in over 2 weeks.  Hides until 2-3pm.  On this day?  Shining early...and all day long. Bam. 

 Thank you Mother Earth.  You rock.

KMS. This boy.   As you all know, I've had to pull double duty for several years with both K&K.  Yes, I've had to be Mom and Dad.   It's just the way it is/was.  This guy kept me on my toes.  He's grown to be such a good guy.  A spirit to make me smile.  Silly ways to make me laugh. Super hard.  And a kind heart to many.  Especially animals.  

In the  "Bad-a$$" boat.  Our favorite moments.  Cruising the harbor. Good music. Sunshine. Simplicity. 

Lucky enough to still have this birdie with us.  Kris stayed about an hour. Whew.  Thankful for that!

On the menu while we cruised? Served by the little birdie.  (We reminded her of the days when she'd take our orders, and write jibber down on paper and serve us cereal) Capers with smoked salmon and cream cheese, served on a sea-salted pita cracker.  Handed to us by Kali.  My other fav for you peeps to try.  Oh. And don't you let me forget fellers. TRADER JOES- Try the Rosemary Raisin little crackers, found on the cracker aisle.  Dipped in Pecan Blue-Cheese Dip.  Stuff is Cray Cray!!!!!

And this feller. 

The littlest love of my life.  Yes. This dog.  This dog and I sat on my porch Saturday night, while both kids were out.  Bill in Mehiiico.  I was feeling a little lonely.  I put on my classical music, sat on my porch.  With this dude.  Until the sun went down.  Remembering where and what my blessings are.   

Thoughts? Raise yo hands if you heard white sunglasses are back in shag? HA! 

Next stop, Gaylord and Shirley's.  Checking to see if maybe they are throwing a rager.  Maybe the chance to crash a BBQ?  Nope. Gaylord sound to sleep in his chair.  (that's what a hardworking trip will do to ya).  Shirley came out to greet us.  We said our goodbye's and puttered on. 

My homemade card.  Made from a recycled paper plate.  Because that's how silly I am.  Buy a card for 4 bucks?  When I can write what I feel on something that just gave me joy while I stuffed my face?  Sure. 

And because he stepped into my life, accepting me as 3.   Taking a H.U.G.E. responsibility of my life as I knew it.  Loving me.  Loving K & K.  So so much.  The years, months, weeks have not always been the perfect fake Hallmark story, because listen here sillies, I've had my fair share of meltdowns, of "poor me's"  Of why can't life be different  Why can't I have that house with the white picket fence built around it.  With the perfect family tucked inside.  Guess what?  I really don't think those exist.  They just don't.  But I can tell you that my life has been painted a prettier portrait thanks to this guy.  My bestfriend.  My confidant.  My partner in crime on our silliest days/nights.   My rock.  My tissue when I've cried my eyes out.  Due to business/family/parenting/poor-me's.     I do know this...  He is smart.  He is loyal.  He is patient.  He is patient.  He is patient.  haha.  And he is so so handsome. 

Most importantly though, you love our little family with a fierce and constant love.  

Happy Fathers Day.  Glad we could spend it just the way you wanted.  Peacefully on the dock, with no lines, no reservations, no parking spots.  Simple. 

Happy Tuesday peeps.   The sun is hiding again today.  I kind of like love it.  It makes my coffee so much more lovely.




Jazi said...

What a wonderful Father's day! Crusing around in the boat looks so fun! Can't wait to see you guys again:)

Peace and Love said...

Miss you too Jazi-poo! Hey, tell Mr. Sunshine to settle down a bit, K? Hope to see you soon....