Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Another Day Another Chance

Good morning friends..

The last couple of days are everything a rollercoaster would give. Monday afternoon Kris started to complain that his ankle was hurting. Also a bump on his leg. What seems to happen is a small hair follicle get festered and begins to become infected. This is all due to no white blood cell fighters. Chemo kills the bad guys and it kills the good guys. As of Monday evening he was out on antibiotics, more blood transfusions, and a circle with a marker around both sores. The one on his ankle prevents him from walking. Much less, using the bathroom the way we all prefer to. It hurts so bad that pain makes him want to puke.

Monday evening the nurse handed him a chemo pill. He took it after hey verified name, medical record number..etc. he woofed down a huge burrito that he was craving from our favorite Mexican restaurant. That said restaurant is so filled with love. As I walked in to get it, she said "Hi Mija, Kris normally doesn't like his burrito with red sauce on the outside he likes it inside, and extra sour cream" ...she said "let me call him". She knew where he was, she smiled and said they will serve him any way he wants. She drew a silly face and a little note to him, a big air hug for me and soon he devoured it.

Later that evening, he began to puke, along with all chemo side effects involved. His text to me early yesterday morning broke my heart but made me pull up my big mama warrior undies. Pulled my hair back tight. And headed out. As I walk in circles at home in complete confusion, I called my friend Beth. Beth was treated 6 years ago at City Of Hope. Her dr. Was one that I hoped our doctor would link up with.

After an hour of filling Beth in, we hung up. She called the doctor that cared for her at COH and by last evening he called ME! At 7pm while unloading my car of dirty laundry of my son filled with all side effects for chemo, he called. I grabbed my folder labeled "Medicines/doctors". Quickly sat down on my front porch chair and began to listen. And talk. And listen. And cry. And pull it together. I felt for a mere 7 minutes that this well known doctor at COH was calling ME. To help MY son. HE took the time to call me from HIS home to listen, and ask for a list of things. He gave me hope. He was hard to understand, yet full of calm. He's South African with a strong, yet calm older demeanor. I had to ask home to repeat a few medicine topics three times. But I jotted fast.

I am waiting for our doctors office to open. This doctor wants our doctor to call him. They can work together making sure the combination is the plan for my boy.
He explained the goal is to get him in remission.

So sometimes in the nightmare roller coaster ride, you find little silver linings. The road WILL get tougher indeed. But if I can keep searching, seeking and pushing for the best of the best, you better  believe, I am gonna give every last ounce of energy in my being to allow my son a chance to someday get back out on a boat. To hug back to all the friends that have stood by his side. To hold his spear gun again and look back at this roller coaster as one he won't ride again.

My friend that overcame the hardest form of Leukemia wrote me her daily quote that she asks twice daily---it read :

I ask my higher power to please continue to collect and channel all of the positive thoughts, prayers, and blessings into my body to create a healthier mind and body.

I wish you all a beautiful cooler Wednesday. Don't take each day for granted. Call your loved ones. Hug your babies and be good to each other.

This Mama Lisa Warrior

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