Friday, September 25, 2015

Strong Birdie.

You know those moments in your life where you are up against something like...

A root canal. 

An appointment procedure that is just down right shitty. 

Like a Bone Marrow Biopsy and Spinal Tap/Induction of Chemo Procedure. 

You know....a little scary. 

Wednesday Kris had a bone marrow biopsy.  And a spinal tap to draw fluid, and add back some chemo.
One, to get a sample for COH oncologists' and second, to make sure chemo gets up and around his brain to push cancer out.  

As we arrived for his 1:30 appt, he was beyond nervous.  But the way our family rolls, we had an army waiting for him.  
I arrived to find my Aunt Lynda pulling in. My sister already there, and my other Aunt (Surrogate Mom) Nettie already sitting in the waiting room. Bill walked in and the six of us took over that little corner like it was our business. 
Kris and Jen walked in with smiles.  Although I wonder at times if he is too overwhelmed with us all there.
I truly believe that an army of love and support is the key to healing.  And fighting the C word. 

The procedure went as planned.  Bill and I were again pulled into another (3rd time) social workers office.
For the record. THEY. BUG. ME.  So much so, that I told my family if I had more time in this life I would want to restructure that darn title and put some LIFE into it.  They seriously hand you every bad scenario imaginable, sit and stare, with a sad frown and hand you more...and are ready to hand you tissues.
I looked down at her calendar and on today's date it said "Funeral"--Anyway our topic was Sperm Bank info. And Advanced Directives.  Both topics I've had in my possession. Both topics I've covered.  The only thing I've yet to do is sit down with Kris and ask him stuff for that said Advance Directive things like....oh...
if you can't breath, do you want life support.  If you can't eat, do you want tube feeding.  If you are flat lined do they bring you back....Stuff that I am avoiding like washing my cat on a sunny day. 
I will get to it.  I have a week more to do so.  

And so....

Moving on.  We have an appointment on Monday in West LA-Holla-----
to donate his little swimmers, and my future grandbabies...(but don't tell him this because it stresses him out that I worry about this stuff)-

He will be on a break from induction until October 5th, where he will check himself BACK into Hotel De Kaiser for another round of STRONGER chemo, and will stay there about a week.  Maybe more, maybe less.

Until then I am getting my other ducks in order to get a huge fundraiser going.  Which will require a committee. 
The doctor mentioned to my Aunt in the room during biopsy "you have quite a bit of family that follow.."
Um, that's like 1/16 Dr. Chen.  

We are a warrior family.  We support and run to the wounded.  We will be there in his brightest days, and we will fight in silence during his darkest.  Aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters...across the states. 

We are here. 

I feel their love.  It's because of them that I can keep going.

Last night we sat on my porch and of course we both quiver lipped and he said "Mom, the only thing I told Dr. Chen, is it makes me the saddest when I think of you"-

Turning those tables, I can imagine.  I would NEVER want to leave Kris and Kali to endure these days and nights of haze.  Sleepless prayer, walking in circles praying, wishing, and hoping that Faith and Mercy will play a role in getting him better. 

From the moments I heard him cry and that little dimple that early Thursday morning I had him.

I promised to fight for him.  

Happy Weekend to you guys. 

I'm gonna bow out for a little and take a breather while he takes a breather.

Don't think for a second that I have put my weapons down. 

Peace and love to you all.  Kiss your babies, and text them.

Always leave notes.

"All my days and all my nights I will love you til the end of time...."

1 comment:

Shay Designs said...

Hello Lisa,
This is Sharon Bruyere again. I commented in one of your other posts about Kris. I read this post about fundraising that you will be doing. I own a jewelry company and have many times in the past offered my services with my jewelry to fund raise for people God places in my path. I read about the fundraising and thanked God again for giving me the opportunity to help others with what He has blessed me with in my jewelry business. I would love to talk to you more about this. Please email me at

If you want you can check out my website as well to get a feel of what my business is about.

Blessings to you,