Friday, September 11, 2015

What Cancer Cannot Do

It cannot cripple love

It cannot shatter hope

It cannot corrode faith

It cannot destroy peace

It cannot kill friendships

It cannot suppress memories

It cannot silence courage

It cannot invade soul

It cannot steal eternal life

It cannot conquer the spirit

A shot of the flowers Bill brought to Mama in honor of my 20 years at Gaylord's. 

Doing what I do. Working to provide for mine, and wherever else I can.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend. 

My Saturday morning will hopefully involve lots of coffee and extra flips of my pillow to catch the cool side...

I think I am brave enough now to read through some things I need to for the next step.

Tues, Wed and Thurs will offer doc appts for him. 

Praise. Pray. Push. Smile. Hug. Repeat.

Happy Friday..and may those affected by Nine Eleven have peace in their hearts.

That certainly was a day that many of us will never forget. Time stood still.

I can relate.

Love you friends, and Carmen for sending me this lovely poem. Truth.

This Mama Warrior Lisa

The girl that stayed in a chair/bed every.single.night next to him for three weeks bedside in Room 4111.
The girl that is taking care of him. Shooin' her parents away as they try hard to do what us parents do. I know you don't understand that feeling yet, but I certainly do. We hover. The girl that will drive across town to get whatever craving pops into his head. The girl that loves animals just like us. I hope your day is sweet and filled with a smiling happy boyfriend. One without a puke bucket, or wipies for the land of the dark hole. This dude lights up when you walk into the room.  Happy Birthday sweet girl.  Jen.  Jenna. Jenny. Jennifer.  LOL! We love you ---
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have.” 

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