Tuesday, September 8, 2015

In The Sunny Days.

So many times I have preached that "Live For Today"--- 

It amazes me to look back through pictures of my boy to think he was so healthy one moment, and yet deep in his marrow, he was becoming so sick.

Yesterday he was silly.  He talked about food all day long.  All things food. Spicy food, lemony food, how he wonders what would happen to his taste buds for the long time future. 

Today I am at work for a little bit.  It still feels so strangely sad to look at his desk.  I cleared it for various reasons.  One being, I just can't stand to see his boots at the floor, or his fishing lures he'd play with while on the phone.  Or the many vitamins he was taking because he kept saying how bad he felt, day after day.
Towards the end he'd sit down and just say "Mom, man I feel like shit"- I bet he did.

I'm headed to him shortly with lunch.  His excitement right now.  Food. 
My selfish excitement is to see his dimple.  His smile and messy head of hair.  The hair we know will soon fade away into the barbers sheers, and into a bag. Little pieces I've already started to witness on his pillow cases. 

Is this fair? No it's not fair....

But can and will he fight on?

You better believe it kids. 

He has an army of love.  From friends, family, positive thoughts, prayer, lovers and air huggers...


Big love to you all, on this spicy hot day.  

HUG TIGHT, and love hard. 

This Mama Warrior Lisa

Loving the sunny days, and praying to get through the darker days...

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