Thursday, August 28, 2014

Same dress. Different day.

Last night was a little epic, if I am being honest here. So epic, that it will go down as one of our funnest nights.  The kind of night that is highlighted with a neon yellow highlighter in my chapter book.

Bill and I left work early in hopes of beating the traffic into LA.  And beat the traffic we did. 

You see, Bill had bought us tickets to see my favorite singer. "Jack Johnson"-

Upon arriving at our hotel (Loews), we checked in, and stepped up to the bar.

Exhaling a little, and kind of catching up, if you will- We have both been flying in different directions....

We would soon receive a call from our little connection-

"When you guys arrive at The Greek, head to The Redwood"

And being the hotel snob that I am, I booked us at quite the little hut.  

Cheers to this.  Right?

Moving along, I had this vision of heading over to a restaurant that Maria and I had dined at years ago, with the girls before Jack Johnson- BUT, Bill wanted to "venture" around town.  And being the grossed out girl that I am, and in heels, I had a hard time adjusting to the whole Hollywood vibe.  To me, it's just dirty and gross.  But, that's just me.
After the first bar, I pleaded with him to just find something clean.  Anything.  Just clean. 

 And if you're wondering if this is my favorite hat and is.

It's O'neill in case you wonder, and I currently totally over wear it.  Along with my favorite hat.  That I decided to wear on a 95 degree day.  boom.
Our silly ride over.

Now we just need to find The Redwoods.

 Nailed it!
Once we arrived at this cute little path, it would guide us to our names on a list.  And a list of people that blew me away.  I sat down with a glass of wine, looking around in amazement.  A pinch me moment.  Bill and I would soon meet and chat while sitting there with Jack Johnson's babysitter.  She cracked a smirk while saying "I changed his diaper"- 

 The Greek is rad, but sitting in this hospitality area was top notch-  No, seriously.
Free wine, free food, free beer (good beer)-  

Cute silver cup too! 

So if you ever get invited to a concert at The Greek, and you're told to head to The Redwoods.  Go.  Drop everything you are doing, and go. 

As we walk out the side door, and down into the concert.  We'd be smack dab front row.  Ha- I crack up just typing this because Bill and I were like two little kids.  One shock to the next. 

Honey, thank you for such a great night.  Thank you for such a filthy amazing journey in Hollywood.
These last few months have been wild.  In so many ways, I can honestly say this summer has been one of our hardest as of yet.  It's been filled with hectic schedules, loss, grief, pain, travels, changes, fast chapter changes, tears, moves.  All of it.  I mean, to sit and stare at each other while trying to put it all out to digest just isn't possible.

Cheers to Jack!  Cheers to all of you!  Cheers to a long weekend, and lots and lots of sunshine!

Big LOVE and special wishes of peace to all of you....

Go play-

I promise to go hang up my over worn dress.  That currently has wine spilled on the front. 


ps. Hey Sickler will be in my thoughts all day long tomorrow as you go tuck your girl into her dorm.  Sav if you read this, please know you can and will move big mountains sugar.  You won't be too far.  And you can come back home any time.  Go do it sweet pea!! 

pss.  Interested in amazing cookies, and super cute ideas?  Go here- Crows Custom Cookies
Donna and I were room mommies when Kris and Paula were in Kindergarten.  To say she's amazing is an understatement.  Her heart is full, and her hands work magic. 

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Lucky you! I LOVE Jack Johnson. Sounds like an amazing night.