Saturday, August 9, 2014

Within days.

Kali said to me today-

Mom, Mackenzie leaves in three days.  Three days.  Let that soak into your pores for a second.  oh. wait, it already has soaked into your pores. And I am quite sure recycled itself over and over again. 

Off to Texas. Just like that.  In. Three. Days.  That's seventy two hours.  But let's not worry about the time.  Let's focus on the future.  Something you laid out in paperwork and emails months ago.  You worked for it.  You probably never really knew the day would come, this fast.  The moments like this that make us stand on the side lines waving banners of love in the air, cheering you on.  We are little one, we are.
You did this.  You made this happen. You made this happen for us to proudly attach the initials TCU to our minds.  To see your mama and daddy wear it proudly.  You did it. 

It  melts me.  For you Mac. For Kali, but most of all for Cindy and Thom. 
You make us proud. 

Mackenzie, I know you will move mountains.  I know you will climb this tallest mountain as of yet. I really never imagined this day would come. To be perfectly honest with you little doll, I am selfish to say, I never wanted you all to fly in separate directions. While it's virtually impossible at this point to grab on to your legs and hold you back, I can't wait to see what this next chapter holds for you.

The new friends you will make. The new styles you will try.  The new bonds that are waiting.  All of it.
Just don't lose touch of the bonds that made you, you. 
I want to plan a trip. I want to come see your new space.  I want to watch you blossom.

I will always cherish the sweet memories we've all shared.  The laughter I'd hear come from Kali's room.

And the many DD trips you'd make for Uncle Bill and I. 

Your stark voice so stern.  Your style so flashy that the group would always have a place to turn for advice.

Your beautiful body so able and true.
And although you scared the shit out of me during the beginning days of this chapter, I always trusted your strength.  Even when you tailgated.

You have been blessed with a Mom that can melt butter just with the touch of her hands.  She'd walk to the end of the Earth for you girl.  And for most everyone around her too.   A daddy that gets tears in his eyes when he speaks of your departure.  I get it Mackenzie.  You are a lucky daughter.

Kali has been lucky enough to share her deepest, best and most sincere secrets with you.
And a best friend that has held her up during her hardest days. It will always be you.
Mackenzie, it will always be you. 

That friend that would come in the dark of the night to pick up your heart off the ground, hand it back to you, and hold you tight.
It's always been you. 

The best friend that will tell you this looks better, and that outfit is good....
It's always been you.
To say that I've watched you grow into a beautiful young woman makes me lucky.  Using the word lucky  can be a little over used.  I guess I am more proud. 
Proud that you have made it through some of the best days, and hard days of your life.
There is so much out there.  For you little one.  

These next chapters will show you many things. Moments you might never want to re-live again, and others that will mark your chapters with a highlighter.

Not too many people can say that they've conquered these next steps.

You make us proud. 

Go get after it little one.  You will move mountains.  We will be right here waiting for you.

I promise, we will be right here waiting for you. 

A super shout out to you little one. 

Texas doesn't know what's comin' for em.  HeeeeHawww!!!

I love you, I am proud of you, and I will always, always always be here for you.


Auntie Lisa

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