Saturday, March 8, 2014

Something to ponder.

I've often wonder what really happens to freshly expired food from Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Sprouts...

I read this article and it really made me smile from ear to ear.  I mean, just to think that someone has the heart to try and offer something so pure and beneficial to the consumer.  Not just any consumer, but to those less fortunate, or even completely normal, just on a budget.
Folks that rely on financial aid, or struggle by any means tend to choose unhealthy fast food places because the dollar menu at one place will generally win over the idea of cooking something healthier that seems unreachable because of their budget. 

If you've ever shopped at Whole Foods, and spent a thousand dollars you'd appreciate where ANY of that expired food ends up.  I love Trader Joe's.  I've also purchased certain foods one week to find it's a favorite, only to find out the next week after buying it sits.  And spoils.  Shame on us.

As a child I remember my Grandma, and soon my Mama freezing food. Bread in particular. I used to think eww.
Guess what? I freeze our English muffins, and bread.  Ha.

I also freeze peeled banana's for smoothies before they go completely bad.

This article explains the idea.  I'm quite sure the sceptics will have their say in things.  But if you ask me, anyone willing to take the risk of helping others of Earths precious goods, well hats off to you dude.

Give it a second chance. Expired?

I hope The Daily Table comes to fruition. 

The good people in the world reaching for those that sometimes get overlooked.

The religion of doing good for others.  

Good fruit, good veggies, delicious breads and cheeses....

How awesome would this be to see in Los Angeles, Orange County, or shoot, ALL OVER OUR NATION- Offering to the elderly or financial burdened folks looking for a healthier option along with  yummy fruits, veggies and the like.

Happy Saturday Lovers.

Find a new recipe and get to cookin!  Or....get out and PLAY!

YOU deserve it.  Just don't over spend on things you DON'T need. 



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