Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sunrises. Chapter 16 girl will always adore.

Well, millions are without power.  Record books will record this as the worst storm to march through New York. Ever.  People have perished.  Life is scary on the East Coast.  Life is scary anyway.  I couldn't sleep last night.  Not because of this storm, sadly enough.  Just a toss n' turn night.  Do you have those?  Ever?  Sometimes I dwell, or worry about the silliest of things at 2am.  I just do.  And in the middle of the night they are bigger worries than morning.  It just works out that way.  I don't know why. I don't even care to know why.  I think it's just me. 

BUT I HATE IT! So, today I bring you a beautiful sunrise. Taken by Kali a few weeks ago. Early soccer game.  Heading over the bridges by the beach.  Beautiful if you ask me.  She loves them. I love them too. I love sunsets more.  She loves sunrises.  I hope she always does.  I hope she wakes her little lovies up early when they are kids to enjoy them with her.  I think she appreciates the calm.  The quiet of morning.  The precious new beginning of the day.   So today I bring you this.  Because I am at a bloggers block.  I hope you enjoy.  Pray for the East Coast peeps.  Craziness.  A weather reporter said "It's the worse storm, since..."ever"......".     Life is real.  Life is hard.  Life is scary.  Enjoy the little things people.  Seriously, the little things.  They do mean something.  Oh.  And drink good wine. When you can. Not like at work or anything.  Booya. 

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