Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gripes and Gratitudes

Gratitude:  That I have my life.  That I am healthy and able.  That I am not feeling overwhelmed THIS week. That Kali received an amazing progress report.  That this morning she and I laughed so hard on the way to school and workThat my new car has seat warmers.  That it's almost Friday.  That the picture below shows that great moments do exist in soccer.  That I have two eyes to see this beautiful Earth.  That I have a new DM CD that I love every morning on the way to work. #nikkiyourock. That the political mess is almost over.  That I am counting down to Thanksgiving.  That I have 6 months until Maui. That I signed up to donate and work a homeless shelter.  That my son will soon be in the presence of my parents.  That the weather is kind of cooler with sunshine.  That Kali plays kind of far this weekend and we will road trip together.  That I have my blog to share my life. #therapeutic.

Gripes:  That this political mess is starting to get old.  That my neighbor had to be told that his old sick dog is in fact being abused and neglected. thank you Kris.  #karma. That we gave her more love over the fence than she's seen in the last 3 years with them.  That my house is a mess right now.  That I have grey hairs.  #They suck.  That I haven't been over to see my Grandma in a long time.  That people can be so mean and cruel. That rude drivers that tailgate make me angry while I teach a teen to drive safely.  That I see homeless people and a different side of it. #mentalillness #notalwayslaziness.  That my Dad's worries are bigger than I can help.  That Kali is super exhausted some nights from studies and athletics.  That Christmas is creeping up and I don't know what to buy the creatures I love.  That I wonder where all of those political posters end up after they are left on every. single. corner.   That I can't eat whatever I want.  #ilovemcdonaldsfrenchfries.  That Yes Pandora I am still listening. 

Well, I hope you all are stoked about Friday like I am.   I hope this weekend is good to you.  Remember :   It is your job to vote. It is your responsibility, your right, and your privilege. You may be pretty or plain, heavy or thin, gay or straight, poor or rich.  Don't underestimate your vote.  Go with what you know. And with what you believe.  And pulleeeze don't argue your facts.  Please?  Not everyone will feel and believe your beliefs.  Facts or nonfactual.  They won't.   Play hard, play fair.  Be good. Love Me.

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