Friday, October 26, 2012

Should we really say goodbye to summer?

Happy Friday people.  Happy Friday.....   Can you believe summer is seriously coming to an end?  The long dog days of summer where Mr. Sun finally sets at eight pm.  You know when the lake water feels good, and the cold brews even gooder.  haha.  Kidding.  You know what I mean right?  Summer.  It's crazy to look back at the excitement of Spring and the first day of super warm sunshine.  Those first days at the lake, where we pull out the floaties, blow em up, fire up the bbq with good margarita's while watching the sunset.  Those nights when crickets sang to us before morning.  It all comes to an end.  And soon the heaters wake us up.  Sweatshirts and big ol' sweaters come out.  The smell of campfires come across the beach.  Cold mornings when you can't wait for the heater to kick in while driving....


And while I looked for some new pic's to post for Friday's blog. I find these old summer ones.  Of me.  Speaking of me.  I came home in a cleaning crazy mode.  You know the ones where you strip things down, and shake rugs like a nut, and scrub even nuttier. I did that.  I can move mountains when I'm in that mode.  Anyway, back on subject.  While cleaning my room, I have this little mirror.  That is covered in girlie accessories.  Yes, I am an accessory nut.  So is my girl.  And on that mirror lies two crammed little fortune cookie notes I've kept for a very long time.  One reads something about..."Something you've dreamed of will soon come true".  And the other one reads "You are often unaware of the effect you have on others".  Those two actually spark a little fire in me. Every. Time. I. Read. Them.  Because my life as a blogger has grown larger than I ever imagined.  It feels good to share my life. It feels even gooder, haha, to share insightful, and inspirational notes along my path with you.  You see, life isn't perfect.  Life can be quite hard if you ask me.  But if you look around and share good things, about good people, and goodness along the can only help.  I do have a few big dreams and bucket lists in this life.  Those of you that know me well, know what they are.  So...I will keep these two little notes close to me.  You go be good kids.  Thanks for listening to me along the way.  I will always try to be here to share what I can, when I can.  Life.  It's hard, but it's so good.  Happy Friday rascals.  Be good.  Anyone dressing up for Halloween Parties this weekend?  Did I ever tell you I've only dressed up ONCE as an adult.  #idontlikecostumesonme. (I avoid Halloween parties)  Boom, is it five o clock yet?  The sun is setting faster.  Go catch it, and blow it a kiss...CheersP.S. Pray for Kris and Lizo...they are northbound to the high sierra's to be cuddled by two amazing grandparents.  Lucky fellers.  My parents called to see what they'd like to eat.  #luckyduckies.

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