Friday, October 12, 2012

So what does one do?

This girl isn't gonna panic.  Or think the worst.  I will pray.  I will laugh.  Because I know.  My Dad will be ok. 

I think of this when you're scamming for the next open bar seat, and someone else pounces it after you've been standing there....haha.

And I will be ok, because when I read these e cards, they can almost always make me burst out loud with laughter.  I love love love the.  Shit o' clock!  HAHA! 

Because in the end, this man is happy.  He will never be anything other than amazing to me.  This man.  His ear will be just fine. My heart tells me so.   This picture was sent to me yesterday morning.  Out in his yard, on his acres of land. Doesn't he just look so peaceful? Feeding his turkey.  Did I ever tell you my parents have a farm of wild animals that live on their property?  During one spring season, the man shown above helped a hurt mama skunk and her babies.  Yes. Skunks.  And she let my Dad hold all of them.  every. single. evening my parents set out various bins of food for Skunks, raccoon, a pet name "Pete" the peacock, deer, possums, name it.  It is all good.  I will continue to research. Pray.  not cry.  Smile.  And call him alot.  Rain bring us rainbows.....

And if we all didn't have a support system. We couldn't be strong enough to get through the darkest days, and longest sleepless nights.  I awake often and sort my world and worries often, yea at 3am.  or sometimes 4am. Who's with me here?  Oh, you don't?   Count your darn lucky stars you lucky duckie.  The one simple task that helps me...?  Prayer.  It does.  Sometimes I fall back to sleep.  Sometimes I don't.  Sometimes I wake angry.  Sometimes I wake out of it (like the one day last week I proceeded to put sugar into the filter where coffee should be poured. yup).  But I keep trekking.  I keep my spirit flowing. Helping where I can, when I can.  Smiling at those that may need it. Always praising our youth.   Happy Friday sillies.  Looks like it's F this shit o' clock. HA!  

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