Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Read that over and over again.

For some reason, and well....I kind of know why.  Eh em.  It's that hormonal kick me in the ass time of month, where it seems everything is bigger and ruder, and sadder, and tougher than any other time of the month.  Guys, just stop reading here. Because you probably don't get it.  Or.  Wait.  Maybe you do.  Maybe when your sweet lovely lady becomes a lion and you really don't know why.  That time.  This time.  Please try to get it.  Or maybe she doesn't act any different.  If that's the case, wow. You are so lucky.  She is too.  
And so yesterday while driving home from work, I was having a moment.  Well, actually after stopping by Trader Joe's, where the world just seems a better place. Especially their employees. All of them. Kind.   I went to the post office.  To drop my Dad's Birthday/Father's Day gift off.  From June. Yes.  You read that right.  Over a month late.  I am sorry.  And I felt so bad.  It's been in my trunk, in my house, in my trunk.  Bad. Once dropped,  I cried while listening to Led Zeppelin play on my final stretch home.  Because I wish things were different.  I wish I had the parents that doted over me.  At times.  The parents that wanted, or could come down and see me.  But that isn't gonna be.  It probably never will.  And so I accept.  SO.  There is a sign that sits above my desk at home.  I read it daily.  I read it when I'm frustrated. Or blue.  

IT....reads.  PEACE :  "When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." 

And so true that is.   While I put away my Trader Joe's.  (AND my most favorite dangerous PMS dip in the whole wide world; it's called Blue Cheese Roasted Pecan dip. OMG.  With Raisin Rosemary Crisps.) (Ladies, go get some.  Hurry.)  And not to mention the little Crispy Crunchy Chocolate Chip cookies that are little and crunchy and you can't stop at 15. haha. Kidding. More like 10.  I mean....haha never mind.    I have ANOTHER little sign, actually a fortune cookie little thingy that says " IF YOU HAVE HOPE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING".   Under this exact picture you see above. 

I do have hope.  I do miss my parents. I am PMS'n.  Although I feel alot better this morning, because I flipped my mattress yesterday and put on all new linens, and EVEN went to the laundry mat and washed my comforter, and everything in my room is super super yummy smelling.  I slept like a champ. I am ready to take on the world.   Life is good.  I really do have so much to be thankful for. I know it's just my hormones.  And guys, you are so lucky that nothing like this kicks your a$$es.  Seriously.  I do know you have different sets of stress. So I get it.  But when your Mama Lion is losing her cool.  Go buy her the above mentioned. Well, at least the cookies, and some flowers.  And give her a huge hug.  Because she probably needs it.

Boom.  TMI?  Sorry.   It's life.

Go get em kiddo's.  Play hard.  Play fair.'re feeling C.r.a.z.y.  HA!

Me.  Mama.  

P.S.  Thannnk  youuuu for letting me ramble.  I feel all better.  

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