Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Little Lisa.

Little Lisa.

Wise beyond her years at this point.  The girl with a major staring problem (still have one)-

Loved that little owl pendant on my chest. Filled with Avon perfume.

Was super nosey.

Moved from Westminster, CA out to Riverside CA with our little family, and family dog named Toby. 

Parents took me to Knotts SCARY Farm and allowed a monster to pull me by my braids into a pretend cave.  A reason I've never gone back. gross place.

Loved to play out in the middle grass area with the neighborhood kids until sundown.  
A place that will forever hold a "interesting" place in my heart.  
An empty refrigerator box left for us kids would give us HOURS of fun.

I fell super hard on my bike at this age and still have the gash scar on my knee.  (was staring at it in our cove in Havasu and was reminiscing on how fast this life is and what our body endures)

I worried alot at this age and yet had no idea how my life would unfold.

I can remember the lunches I would eat at school, and the smell of the metal lunch pail by days end (sour) but can never remember any Kindergarten or 1st Grade teachers name. 

This little girl camped in some of the best places in Southern CA with her parents, and yet had some of the most trippy-est experiences with those same parents.  #whatdoesntkillyoumakesyoustronger


A gift I will forever be grateful my parents sent me.

My aunt Ronda gave me a gift this past week, and inside was my Flintstones childhood book with my signature on the inside.  

Maybe I'm trying to recover and get some acknowledgement of childhood, or maybe it's finding the best parts of the first "series" of our lives to better set up the second part of our lives.

We aren't guaranteed tomorrow, so we have to step up for what makes us feel good today.

If it's pictures.  Books. Or spending time with those we love.

Keeping love in front, and the memories.......

Whether good or bad, tucked safely in our back pockets.  Sometimes pulling them out now to remember the good ones.

Love to those that love me,

This Mama Lisa

PS- Happy Birthday Grandma Ramirez-- I know she won't see this, but just my token of love to the most beautiful grandma on this Earth.  Her charisma and stroke of beauty never went unnoticed. Her desire to keep us girls out of the sun didn't always pan out the way she'd like, but I do think of her  every morning while putting slippers on. Can't abide by the barefoot summer days, but I do think of her while walking the early morning hours in socks or slippers. Mija, put something on your feet...

PSS- Happy Birthday Shari Lynn- My high school best friend, and confidant.  The girl that made me laugh the hardest while in school.  Del Taco runs during lunch was everything.  I hope you and your critters have such a great deserve it!  Your mama is staring down wishing she could make you some chips and dip and love on you, especially on this day.  
Happy Fifty Fucking Something....


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