Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday's Words.

Read it once, and read it again if you don't comprehend the first time.

YOU have the choice to change YOUR forever.

Three kinds of ‘forever’

There’s the forever of discomfort. Sasha Dichter taught us about this. The feeling we get during a temporary situation that feels like it’s going to last forever.
It’s one thing to tolerate a bumpy landing on an airplane, because you know it’ll be over in ten seconds.
But, a car-sick toddler doesn’t have that perspective. He’s wailing and sad because he thinks that this is the new normal, a permanent situation.
Too often, we quit in the dip. Not because we can’t tolerate discomfort for an hour, a week or a month, but because we mistakenly believe that it might last forever.
There’s the forever of plenty. This is when we erroneously assume that the stuff that’s good is going to stay good. That this moment, this leverage, these resources–we can squander them because they’ll be here tomorrow.
This sort of forever leads to heartbreak, because, inevitably, it doesn’t last. It can’t.
And there’s the forever of never. The dominant narrative of society is that you’re stuck with what you’ve got. Stuck in your status role, stuck in your skill set, stuck in your situation.
If you believe it, it’s probably true.
If you believe it, you just let yourself off the hook, which is comforting indeed.
And if you believe it, you’ve made life easier for the systems that would like to pigeonhole you.
But, even though it’s certainly harder than it ought to be, it doesn’t have to be forever.
Wishing you all a great weekend. Although I didn't sleep well last night (skipped a night of I did wake to birds chirping, sunshine peeking through our windows, and lots of happy energy in the air.  
There's a full moon tonight and tomorrow hang tight to your words.  Don't spout before thinking it through.  Hold that finger on a text that might be offending.  Share manners more than ever.  And smile at those in need.  Remember, everyone is fighting some sort of battle. Could be heartbreak. Could be a breakup and broken heart.  Could be family issues.  Could be addiction.  Could be change.
Be kind to YOU.  And be kind to others. Most especially with this moon phase.
And go in peace on this fine Friday....
And if you wonder what pictures will make me crack up forever, and ever?
Kali's Going Away To College Gathering

Go to Bill and Lisa's parties, it'll be fun they said. 

 Ok, and would you just look at Bill and Carmen just casually sitting around a table chatting. LOL!!!!

She's still sitting with legs crossed.....omg ROARLOLZZZ!!

Look how small Crue was...

And Jordan...


"Those were the days"

Oh, you know just casually standing around a picnic table Lynda---HAHAHA!
Best laugh today.  

Later nerds......
Be good, or be bad, just keep it clean!
This Mama Lisa

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