Monday, May 13, 2019

Mom, Hold Bucks.

*Raise your hand if you didn't sleep last night and are literally a walking zombie today...


Kris and Kali have inherited my silly side, along with the 
desire to capture photos of all things they love.  Kris more so than Kali, but she's still camera ready.  Only difference, it's always her cellphone versus his big camera.  Don't get me wrong, they both ALWAYS have their phones in hand. (Dad's only rule, it must be put away at dinner, or when we're all sitting around visiting).

Yesterday my request for Mothers Day was to have a late lunch at our local spot called "Harry's"-  Its a laid back burger joint, that offers a second level balcony with sunshine, outdoor seating, dogs allowed, plastic chairs, and mimosa's.  We eat, and then stroll on the beach home. 

In this case, we ate, (got so lucky to have scored a table) place was packed because of the annual Mothers Day Craft fair in the Green Belt there in Sunset Beach.  

Kali always goes with the flow, but deep down she wanted to shower me with a beautiful brunch at a seaside restaurant.

Harry's.  A turkey burger for Bill and I.  And a shared BLT with Avo for Kali and Kris.  A side of fries donned the middle of the table.  Ranch always a player in our game. 

The sun came out the minute we sat down.  Making the shaded spot we got lucky with extra special.  

Mother's Day. 

Wearing the T-Shirt they bought me before we headed out, Kris said "Kali come outside so we can get a picture"-  

Mother's Day 2019

Soon, he'd ask dad to snap some of us.  A moment in time with their arms wrapped around my waist, long enough for my perfectionist Bill to make sure the focus mode was working just right, allowed a longer hug between the 3 of us.  Feeling Kris' shaky hands on my waist.  The smell of Kali's lotion. My birdies.  Kris quickly stating he wanted Bucky in the picture.  We know all too well his time left here with us is moving in a direction none of us want to accept. 
Diagnosed with a heart condition last year, with new meds added last month.  Dr. Grant explaining to Kris to be ready for the day of heart failure.  So we love on him a little more. We carry him in our arms, and pull him in wagons.  

Mother's Day. 

Smiling through all the Instagram posts' all you amazing humans posted to your mom. Wife. Sister. Growing tears in my eyes as I read a girlfriends post that just lost her mom. Sitting at her grave missing her deeply.

Mother's Day means so much to me.  For the acknowledgment of the love they feel from us. 

The words Kali writes to me.  The hug from my son.  

Motherhood isn't an easy task that's for dang sure.  And many times throughout the years I often wonder if I was failing at the task I signed up for.  

One mom does this, and I was doing something else.

Feeling honored yesterday that I have them with me.  The shirt they bought me that says "Mama" on it in bold font. 

I am MAMA. I am so lucky to be called that. 

I hope your day was special.  The moment when Kris said "Mom, hold Bucks"- I know why. 
I know our days are numbered with him.  I know they're numbered with me. And them. 

It was such a beautiful day with my crew. 

Even at a burger place, on a balcony patio..with two dogs, leash intertwined around the table.  Spilled root-beer, slow service, happy mom faces all around.  

A walk back on the beach alone with Bill- As Kris drove with Kali back so she could get her groove on for her new work week.  Kris wanting to come back with the wagon for Buckie-Boy but I would squash the idea because too much sunshine on Kris, and crowds and wagon with two dogs just seemed no Bueno.  

Bill and I walked back on the beach.  Back to our nest.

Ready to take on another full, fruitful, loving and hardworking week!

Hope you had a beautiful weekend!

This Mama Lisa

Took a cruise in Kris' VW Bus to Home Depot on Saturday to grab some flowers, lattice and a few household things, and yes I ride in the back with the pups as he continued to take more and more pictures of me.  My initial thought was -- ohgawd, I have no makeup on, hair pulled back (again)-  And then I remind myself....these are the days.  He's capturing picture of the woman he loved first.  Her wrinkled stained cheeks.  Her gray hairs. Her strong heart and hands. This woman that will love him more than any other human.  

Sitting next to the little fur balls we love so much.  Together.

The mom.

(May 2015)

AKA-  Mama....

Mother's Day Weekend 2019

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