Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Check. Check. One. Two.

Heyyyy Yoooooo...

And the crowd yells back....heyyyyy yoooo--

Where you been girl?  Ah, just put a oxygen mask on for a few days.
(no worries kids, our phones were still buzzin' and our emails were still flowing in and out...that's just life for us)

Did ya miss me?

Yea...no?  haha jk

Nah, not really.  I'm not popular like that.  But I can kinda imagine you're all just wondering how the heck our week away was.  

Ahhhmazzing.  And so needed.

I'll say (but don't tell Kris and Kali-jussst kiddin' they will always be happy for us) that our Easter Sunday was the best tucked away in the boat in our favorite cove with highs at 95, cold water, cold beers and blue mountains was everything that my best friend and I needed.  And deserved.

I haven't laughed that hard in years.  We had nothing fancy. We had no dinner to attend.  
Sure we missed our kids (kinda-lol) 
Sure we missed the traditional food served on such a beautiful day.
Sure we missed the cute little Easter dresses and outfits (not really, because we were in sundresses and bathing suits, lined with sunblock and big hugs and kisses)


So different.  So beautiful.

I'll spare you the photo shoot in our cove.  Pretty much deleted after roaring with laughter the next day.  Like, what happened?! 

And then the week rolled on with kind of the opposite of what we had in our minds.

The best part was not having plans. For us.
No pressures. No schedules.  

Me:  We need to ride our bikes every day. 
Bill:  Yes, we do!
Reality: Rode bikes once.

Me:  We need to work out every day.
Bill:  Honey, for sure, it will make us feel so good, trust me!
Reality: Worked out once.

Me:  We need to cook healthy meals at home
Bill:  We always do though.
Reality:  Cooked breakfast, but not dinners-not once.

We gardened. (finally got my olive trees)

Got in trouble for over watering and staining the concrete. HAHAHA!

So you come home with a full heart.  A guilty cholesterol level. 
A liver that is probably swollen. But healin' up nicely, so don't fret for us kids.

Full hearts.

Le' Fruits Of Our Hard Labor.

That's what that week was.

I need to eat almonds for the entire rest of this week.  I can't stand sideways in the mirror naked right now ---cringgggee.  ew.

Full souls.

Sure we woke up with the butterflies we always endure when running a company.  Sure we cringed every time the shop called, because nothing surprises us these days-  
BUT, as always they handled it like champs.  Making us proud by Friday.  Goals met, and nobody got hurt. LOL. 

Both kids were gallivanting in Stagecoach.  A place that holds a LOT of fun for both of them.
Thank you to my tribe for taking such good care of Kali and Grant.
To those that kept my big birdie Kris safe, thank you!
To Maura for watching his doggo's.  You are one heck-of-a-girl...xo

Madison 276 Months
Kali Mae 275 Months

HAHA! Cute little cowgirls...

They've got some great connects there-Holla!!! Rox (Queen of Spoil Thee Children), Shell and Maria- so their environment is nothing short of a GOOD DAMN TIME.  And for that I am so happy!   
(Kris can't count on his hands how many reminder messages his mom sent about NOT sharing ANYTHING....) he replies with "Mom, I know I fist bump and wear my bandana".  LOL. Whew.

So glad someone invented bandana's.  HAHAHAHA!

Anyway kids.  I missed ya. 

Can't wait to jump back on the blogging train.  

My desk wasn't as bad as my mind told me it would be. (Again, THANK YOU TEAM!)

Some customers actually left nice messages about "hope you're having fun, you guys deserve it"-

All of this to say, EVERY hour and every minute was worth it.

"It's always better when we're together"

Keep it real, and stay away from the evil ones.

To you Bill, you make my world a brighter place.

Keep it spicy, keep it good.

Mozy-the most spoiled kitten in Seal Beach-

Just be kind.

This Mama Lisa

Happy Birthday to Mike --  He would have been 52 today.  Gone too soon, but he's hopefully up in the Heavens making them all laugh.  Sitting with his wife.  Doing what they loved to do.  Being together. Giving all the animals he ever had, so much love.  Still have his ashes and the kids and I are pondering on when and where to spread them.  I said the trail he loved so much to go find lizards. Kris said the ocean.  Thank you for giving me two amazing birdies.  Forever grateful. 

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