Thursday, March 31, 2016

Places You Go, People You See.

Hey there lovers....

Happy Thursday!

Our City Of Hope field trip was all that we really expected to be. 

Arriving to find the furthest parking spot.  Something I've done is always tell the kids to pull their "Faith Parking Hat" on.  Which in Bill and my terms mean, we do this when we feel doomed for parking...and usually 8/10 of the times, we find good parking.  And so....

We pulled our parking faith hats on.  
It didn't work.  LOL
 But no worries, the kids would soon flag down the shuttle.  

Arriving at labs first...then docs next.

I screwed up and had our times mixed up.  His appt.  11:30, I thought it was 10:30am-
At least the wait was worth this.....



His WBC is 4.0

But platelets seem to be gobbled up again.  50.


 Something I am trying very hard to learn is to not panic.  To not get myself so worked up. 
A few hours later his doc would call me.  It's kind of awesome with Dr. Farol, because....he's on it. 
I see the number. I answer with a smile, knowing it's him.  Directing him personally...he chuckles back.
His Sirulimus levels are still too high.  On Monday we went from 3, down to 2.  Now tonight he'll take none, and back to just 1 starting tmrw.  Something about the anti-rejection meds is you have to watch what they do to other things. It's one big juggling act. 
But hey, I will juggle every day, all day....I just want him better!
His stomach hurts soon we'd be back down the road to Baldwin Park to pick up his new syrup medicine. 
I pull to the front.  Jumping out with both K's in the car.  Both irritable.  One from pain.  The other from hunger and lack of sleep.
As I was running back out of the pharmacy I see a glimpse of a girl.  It was my cousin Evelyn- So funny!
To tap on her shoulder...."Hey girl"-
"Heyyyy Lee"- 
Oh, hey no bigs, just here grabbing medicine for my boy....
2 big hugs and I was off....and running!
 Texting this dude the doctor stats (My Dad) and my mom.  To get a response from my Mom. 

"Dad's mowning"-  
And "Spring has Sprung"

Another full day. Another chance to see science. Health.  New chances and moments spent with my kiddo's. 
I arrived at work at 3:30.  Easily wanting to stay home.  I am truly exhausted.  But with a day like today...I will keep pushin'. 

Sometimes it's places you go, and people you see that give you reason to keep pushing...

Hope everyone has a great Thursday night!  Friday is almost here!

Happy Birthday to my cousin Stacy!  I hope you're enjoying this Southern Cali weather....

May PEACE be with you and yours....

I'm gonna plan on what to feed my McChubbers for dinner....


This Mama Lisa

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