Friday, March 4, 2016

Little bites.

Well, we made it to Friday. A day at the end of a long worrisome week. One that is part of that downhill drop on this rollercoaster. Rallying around him, all week to pull him home last night with a plan to get things in check. The thing about transplant, crisis, cancer, changes in life pattern is the word "normalcy". We all try to find normalcy. Even during the weeks and days of chemo rounds. We search for normalcy. We all set into a rhythm of life. Sharing duties. Offering good. Hovering in and out.  When your child gets a gnarly virus when they're little, you are elated when they keep food down. Or the fever breaks. Or they get up, and want to play. Both Kris and Kali have both been active kids. Active people. So when they are down, it's already a wrangler vibe in my heart.

When he came home he felt surprisingly great. As I explained in my earlier post, it's all the recipe of meds. Here's the thing- Steroids calm the GVHD. But also allows the immune to suppress even further. So eliminating steroids are needed, yet the body (adrenal system) becomes adapted to them. Therefore when they try to eliminate, his body flopped to the opposite side.
Hearing the news yesterday that "the virus is gone" was music to our ears. Hearing Bill explain the visit was reassuring to me last night.
He waited until I settled Kris into bed. After he puked. After I went through my flurry of fluffing a nest. Laying in his bed miserable questioning whys, and how comes...showering and changing into new warm cozy clothes.
I had a plan. To change the meds as told. Praying so hard as I do. Feeding him one "egg and a basket" with two slices of bacon and an entire Ensure. My soul becoming full as I watched his body accept food again.  His smile as Jen came into his room. A part of love and life that no one else can fulfill...
He kept his dinner in. Sleeping sound and waking this morning to eat breakfast tacos. Still no energy. White cell counts are still low. Next week will be a better week.

Next week will offer more hope. Today is Day 51.
Medicine and hope. And lots of lots of prayer.
I'm stoked about rain. I'm stoked he's finally eating.
Like eight now as he's sipping another Ensure..
One of the thoughts that wash over me daily and nightly is I am grateful for each day we are here. Together. Nothing really surprising me along the way.
Just reminding myself to be ready.

To keep my Mama Warrior Boots ready.

Enjoy the rain. Stay safe and be kind to animals and elderly.

Love hard, even when you feel like you can't.

Happy Friday night to you all...even if it's just full of little bites...

This Mama Lisa

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