Thursday, March 3, 2016

Never Give Up Hope

Virus is gone. So are some of his white cell counts. No appetite. Nausea and vomit. Sleeping like a baby. Frustrated and sad. His Dad took him today. If there's one thing Bill is good at, it's remaining calm. He navigated to the front, dropping a weak dude that can no longer walk long distances. To labs, to his doc office. Hearing the good and the challenging. Virus is gone with a positive tone as he walked into the room. White counts down. meds. Adding three more, eliminating one.

Offering to hook him up down the hall for hydration to which he declined. Bill offering his three cents on him not eating. We will watch and we've changed what we were told.
This picture yesterday was as I made a craving delivery to him and he took three bites.
He's trying so hard to stay strong and positive. But as he said to me this afternoon as we wrapped his port side arm..."Mom, I don't understand why".

I don't either.

But just like last night, I will read my little bible. I will continue to pray. I will do whatever I can to help him win this fight. To earn a new chance. One day at a time.

Faith. Hope. Love. But most of all love.

Just look at his little dimple smile. I've been lucky enough to see it for almost 27 years.
Even during the darkest covered stormy days.

I'm blogging from my ipad. In my room, while he sleeps in his. Both Bill and I wondering when we should do a fly in to make him drink more Gatorade.

Oh, please have mercy on our souls..

Have a good weekend, and pray for this handsome Bubby. Do you see hair coming in?

Love to you all,

This Warrior Mama Lisa

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