Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Who Saved Who

Often times while driving down the road when I spot a dog leaning out a window, or at a light next to me and you can see sheer happiness from their furry face, I beam on the inside.  The kids and I will often send each other pictures of dogs.  Happy dogs.  Lucky dogs.  There is nothing more beautiful to me and my family, then to see a happy dog running around on the beach, to and from his owner.  You CAN see their smile.

During the years that your kids start to lean in their own direction we -meaning myself-found a new love for taking care of something.  And in my case, it has been "Bucks"
I have my cats, but they really don't need me. Well, I take that back, they do.  I see the light beam through their eyes when I give them love.  Or talk to them.  They get it.  They love our time on the porch.  Or snuggled in my bed, or next to me on the sofa.  There is love.

There is nothing like the love between this fine feller and Grammie-

Some of my toughest days can end sitting shot gun with him, and all is good in the world. My world.
There is no doubt that he loves me too. I can't count how many times I've shed tears after a hard long day, and soon he jumps up to me, almost like he knows.  As if he wants to say "it's all gonna be okay grammie"-


There were times during the early years that we all second guessed Kris' idea to bring him home.

There were many times he'd steal our underwear and run through the house with pure disgusting delight.

There were times Kris would have girl "friends" visiting, who'd soon find their cute Rainbow Sandals completely chewed through.

There were times he'd find lady sanitary items in the bathroom and scatter them around the living room for all company to see.  Especially a boyfriend named Gianni-

There were times we'd find him trying to eat cat poop and everyone would chase him around the yard.
There were times we'd all re-arrange our schedule so that he wasn't left at home alone too long.

There are many beds, in every car, just for him.

There are blankets fluffed in the dryer just for him. He will follow you til' it's put down so he can rage in it.

There were moments we picked him up from the vet a day early because we trusted ourselves with his recuperating versus them.  Still hold true to that.

That recuperating of his nuts being taken off was the best decision this mama made her boy to-

Funny thing happened, our panties, pads, and strange chewing of goods has subsided. 
We've shared his story to many.

We've all sat in a room covering him with so much love that our hearts couldn't give any more.

He's the only dog  we've ever known that will not kiss you.  Weirdo, I know.  It trips Bill our more than us.  I don't like dog kissies actually.  Unless your a puppy, well then....

He's the only little dog that made me like little dogs.  I always thought they'd smell like poop-butt.

He's save me more than I could ever imagine.

He's six today, and I am hopeful to spend another many many six times whatever with him.

Happy Birthday Bucksie, you sturdy little dude you.

We love you,

Grammie and Grampie

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