Thursday, February 19, 2015

I think it's safe to say....

Someone's starting to feel like himself again.

After kicking the flu shot in the ass, and wrestling it down to the ground, we are now just down to a sore arm.

This is pretty good considering just how terrible the last few months have been.

I'm ready for this guy to chase me on his bike with those fart noises he makes like a race car.

I'm ready for him to uncover the boat and fire that little engine.

I'm ready for him to dive off the end of the dock like a crazy duck.

I'm ready for him to dance with me again, like in PS. Best night evva.
I'm ready for him to make yummy egg and veggie scrambles again, with all the little veggies cut so perfect-

I'm ready for him to act like the car is breaking down, making me want to shit my pants so he can laugh.

I'm ready for him to smile and laugh again, and really mean it.

I'm ready for him to swoosh all those healing herbs into the drawer for good.

I'm ready for him to blurt loud woop-woops with this fine tan feller, but just not in Cha-Bone's-

Black and white, white and black-
I'm ready for that picnic we talk about riding our bikes to on this cliff, sharing that amazing bottle of fermented red grapes that make us do silly things.  To eachother.  what'd you say lisa? sorry mom and dad, I'm totally just joshin' around.  silly head.

I'm ready for you to sleep on your tummy again, because both of us can't sinc our snoring game.  Especially when I act like I'm watching tv, but then my eyes close, and well...end of story.  waking up with all kinds of regret. lol

I'm ready for you to head back out to the gym before day break, as I watch you grab all your stuff thinking I'm sleeping, but I'm watching you.

I'm ready to celebrate this fine fellow's birthday tonight.  Happy Birthday Randy!

And Happy Birthday Markie Mark!

I'm ready for Spring and Summer!  I'm ready to have my dude back-

I hope you all have a great Thursday, because tomorrow is the raddest day of the week, therefore tonight we can celebrate, right?


Be Grateful.  Be Kind. Love one another.



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