Saturday, February 14, 2015

My heart belongs to them.

A simple reminder that nothing else in this big world means more to my beating heart than my family.

The loves of my life.

The kiddo's that made me, me.

The lover that gets me, even during the days he may not like me, he still loves me

The bond that holds a family together.

It's using this day to celebrate love. With that celebration as a reminder that LOVE is captured in all forms.

From family, friends, and animals.  It's the beat to your heart.

Go and enjoy this day, and remember to tell those you love that you do. 

Remember those that hold you up when even the slightest breeze can push you down.

It's those people.  A simple "I love you"-  And maybe even a "Thank you"-

Happy Valentines Day you little cupids-  Go shoot your arrow FULL of LOVE! And smiles, go give those out today.  Hand em out like you did with little cards during class.  Oh, the memories----

Big Beso's,


ps. don't forget to spread love to those serving you today and tonight.  and sorry not sorry I over use these family pictures above. its like gushing over something over and over because you love them so much and even have them posted in all the houses, but you just can't get enough.  and remember we all look so perfect there. the perfect family. pu-leeze----- HA!  Cheers!  When in reality, I have this strong feeling we won't gather for family pictures like this again anytime real, cherish baby, cherish-UNLESS, Leslie comes to town, well....ha- a girl can always dream right?  right.

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