Friday, September 2, 2011

Are we ready?.....SCHOOL is back in session....

For Kali it seems the summer just blasted by....for me...I feel it did too, but with soccer continuing for her throughout summer...and the many car trips back and forth to friends, parties..get togethers, the movies..the beach..etc. house is just the way I left it when I get home....CLEAN and organized lol! We all know the drill. haha.

Registration day. The besties take the walk together...Sophmore year. Are they ready? As Kali told me last night...they have all taken over the Junior area. So funny. Whatever makes them all happy. Academics and Athletics will remain #1.

The Welcome Back Dance was held the weekend we were hosting Kris' bash in Havasu. Kali opted out on his celebration to stay with MacKenzie and attend the dance. It's a big thing to dress all alike...the theme was be your fav hero character. So of course before I left...I was running her to dance stores, and the find everything needed for them to all be "The Incredibles" - I was promised pictures by a friend. Hope I receive to post soon. They looked so cute by the pictures she sent me.

My favorite wall in the school. Somebody...years ago made this collage...with broken is BEAUTIFUL.....I want to make one of these in our house one day....- Maybe outback by a garden? Maybe inside in an office...I love love love it.

Kali and Tori....15 1/2 and almost 16 for Miss. Tori.....Just last night I was thinking of the days when they'd be in their car seats, and my sister and I would be out and about...and Tori would take her hair bows out...(as soon as they were put in..) and then she'd proceed to take Kali's out. I would have to remind her..."no no Tor Tor...leave those in her hair baby...." haha!

Go Griffins....Especially Lady Griffin Soccer Girls~!

She made it through the first day...after picking through my traditional breakfast...knowing it will be picked over..served while she flat ironed her hair....hovering in and out of her room not doing too much to help...just standing by in case needed....shuffling final papers, and lunch by the door...watching her check that first day outfit in my mirror a few times...she looked adorable. After heading to the door at 7am and requesting my traditional picture, which turned out super blurry because we were rushing out....I was praying for her...that the day before test run of class locations and locker all worked it always does....The new shoes, the cute new bag...the fresh clothes...all ready. Pulling up to the school 15 min. before the other besties did...and we sat. In silence..we sat. I've learned...silence is golden to her when she's nervous. As she exited my car....I watched my 15 year old walk towards the school, realizing all along...this is the last first day of school I will drive her to. Sigh....

As I left the high school after registration I looked up to see the super pretty tree...and I thought "what I nice welcome tree for the new comers"...the new freshmen...coming in..nervous..scared...

School is in session...with new teachers...Chemistry books, Geometry books....stacked high on our desk at home...the pressures she will endure. The emotions that will play out this year....the many rollercoasters in life. We will do this. She will do this. Thank you to every one of my followers for being patient through this you read through Kris' Birthday posts' you will see how exhausted and busy I have been since Monday morning...I am so glad Friday is here...I'm especially happy that I haven't major plans this weekend. Just good time fun with friends in the sun....and on the sand....and in the water....Happy Labor Day to all of my friends and families that have and still continue to support your families.

Here's a little quote I recently read:

I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.

By: John D. Rockefeller

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