Thursday, September 8, 2011

We will NEVER forget.....

This entire week I've viewed different respectful tributes to 9/11 and the families it so horribly effected. The Firefighters, their families, the Police men and women that so couragously approached a horrific scene with calm and dignity. I have watched with awe. I lay solemly in complete shock still. I do shed tears...Tears of sorrow, and tears of how lucky and proud I am to be an American. We are a strong Country. Thanks to our Founding Father's...we've been taught that FREEDOM isn't free.

Of course I think we should give PEACE a chance....

I am a strong believer in PEACE. A PROUD AMERICAN...who will always remain vigilant against those enemies that want to harm us. I will always support our troops. I will always remember 9/11. I remember that morning very clear. Very perfect. Very scared. I was in shock. Knowing there would be more retaliation. I love the BEAUTIFUL fountains they've built honoring all the lives that were lost in New York. 2,573 to be exact. Each one of their names etched inside as the tears of water flow by.....built inside a small forest of Oak trees. I read an article last night about the children of those lost. They will never feel a hug from their Dad or Mom.. This day marks so many different feelings. The interviews of people that survived, and their experiences of the people that helped them do so. It just amazes me. It makes me know the true meaning of being an American. I am proud to be. God Bless America. Almost Friday folks. Finish it with something positive for yourself. Reminding yourself all along...Life is hard. But it's good. Especially considering...someone ALWAYS has it worse than you.

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