Thursday, September 22, 2011

One down two to go.....BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHTS....

Last night was Kali's back to school night. It's always interesting to walk from room to room, checking out the teachers that influence your child (teen) through the many many hours each day. The many impressions they leave. Some of my best years were in high school. I had a couple teachers that will always stand out. Mentors that helped me through times when the world seemed to turn their cheek. Each year I email their teachers asking for any "Wish List" item for the classroom to make the year a little more smooth. This year it was tissues (in bulk), white construction paper, and the ever so popular "Hand Sanitizer"- And so I purchased and quietly hand delivered on to their desks. Sitting in each room for 10 minutes, looking around in awe as each decorates with pride for this school year. There were a couple of teachers that stand out this year. One is her Spanish teacher. There is something about her vibe. Something about her soul. Just a good lady. The other is her English teacher. I can't believe I have a couple more "Back to School Nights" left for Kali. Junior and Senior year will drop in way to quickly. For now...I do alot of driving..alot of cabbin' back and forth to friends, sports, school, errands for school..etc. I wouldn't change it for anything. I love Los Al. I love the district, the teachers, the kids...the parents. So blessed to have her amoung an amazing family of GRIFFINS! It's almost friday everyone! Last night I watched the clock evolve, minute after minute...hour after hour.....sleepless for some reason. I will get through today like a zombie...but I will and can. Mommy Warrior....I can't wait for happy hour with my soccer mom's tomorrow. The originals! I miss them all...Soccer in Carson this weekend at the Home Depot Center....And then of course the Sunday to prep for another round...! Cheers friends...and family!

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