Friday, December 18, 2015

My Catch With Birds.

I've always been intrigued by birds.  Their beauty.  Their intelligence.  Their Independence. Their dependency. On each other. Their loyalty.  Their travels.  Their being.  Their little families. 
For some reason my kids remind me of birds.  You nest for them.  You feed them.  You protect them.  You'd fight for them.  You'd feed them your last meal.  You soar around while they begin to fly on their own.  And you flutter, squawk and banter loudly if one is injured. 

This past week Kris has felt better than he's felt in months.  He's still pale, and I'm quite sure anemia plays a tiny role in his blood stream.  He stopped by yesterday and I had the time to sit and chat with Kali and him.  Together.  On my couch. Just the three of us.  How it all started, really.  He shared with me his thoughts, desires, and fears.  He shared his appreciation for all that I've done to get him down a path I believe is the best path.  Kali affirming that we will get through this.  We laughed alot, and we all sat quiet as he fiddled through his phone, because he sometimes wants to stop talking about things that bother all of us. Soon he bolted off to get his port changed, and chemo meds picked up...

He was driving to San Diego in the middle of the night to board a big boat.  A sheltered type boat.  One where he can escape wind, cold, and the elements that make a mama fret as he's telling the story.  But I can only be stoked for him.  He's trying to live a normal life of a 26 year old. He's embarrassed of his eye lids.  He wears his glasses all the time because of it.  He won't expose his bald head because that handsome dude is vain. As we all are.  He is tired of being so skinny. So skinny in fact, he must choose a seat with cushion or else it's actually painful to his skinny bum.  

I dedicate this song to him today. I hope today you stay safe, and that you fly...have fun out on the water....where your soul touches the element you love so much--

I hope you all have a love-filled weekend.  Remember to forgive.  Move on. Smile at a stranger. 
Pull your patience hat on as you embark into the public scene.  Those knuckleheads need kindness.
Harder than it sounds, trust me.  Especially when people take their kids out shopping when the entire store knows they just need to be home, taking a nap.  

But....Tis' the Season--

Big Love,  Always big love-

This Warrior Mama

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