Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Red, White And Blue, And lots of Birthday LOVE--

Who's exhausted raise your hand?

Our weekend was so full of love. It was full of clouds, rain, sunshine, wind, celebration, laughter, music, and lots of hugs.
So as you embark on this journey of pictures, keep in mind, we aren't here for a long time, just a heck of a good time!  And my fantasy of being The Duggar style family just washed way down the drain.  Damn it Josh Duggar, you little perv. I really like your family Josh, especially your mom whom always seems so strangely patient.  I mean, some people don't and can't take on the fete of raising their own kids period, but to handle 19. shitz.

And if you are confused about what I am talking about?  Well, it's the Duggars.  You see they're the overly religous uber conservative reality tv family that so happened to hide the part about their eldest son being a molester.  One that molested a few of his sisters, along with some others.  You don't want to get me started on molesters.
Because if you ask me, they belong in the same category as rapists', and animal abusers.  Lock em up and hide the key.  And while they're there, torture them however you can possibly imagine. If they do it once, you better sure shit believe they will do it again. Look at me. THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN. I present to you.....Havasu-- Our Family Style.
The Imperfect Perfect People-


Best Friends For Life

Mom to the left, get that brew girl....


Mac Dut

As I sat there in my seat, I kept thinking of the many different stories each would tell.  How muscle man up above had absolutely not one ounce of body fat, and how blue skirt girl up there was maybe contemplating pastieez, or how blondie in the orange bathing suit was just laughing into the air with all her beauty. 

Or how all of those piss spouting people, were standing in puke too.  And how muscle man was in the same pose in almost every.single.shot.  And how cute that captains hat looks on that girl.  And how a mannequin doll could be made into a very nasty beer bong.  Which proved to be my biggest people watching sucker.

And how oddly enough we felt very much so out of our element.  First time not dropping our boat in the water.  Being invited on someones boat, but really feeling like we wished we had our own out there. 

And how wearing sunglasses was the only way to go.  I mean, I could stare for dayyyyyzzzz and not even turn my head.  HAHAHAHA!
A cute part of these pictures at dinner, is the American Flag flown high in the back...still stood bright into the night...

And when Sunday sounds great to just chill by the pool, well, you just do that. 

Although I could sense a tad bit of envy from my hottie.  He wanted to be out there so bad.  But with reminders of the launch, the pull out, the parking, the mayhem...we decided our next trip up alone will suit us all just fine-

Or at least it's what I preached. HAHAHA!


Until next time Havasu.  You were a fine fine lady to us.  Again.

My biggest wish is always safe travels, safe times, and a safe return home for us all.

And for that I will forever be incredibly grateful.

Hope your Memorial Day Weekend was everything you expected it to be, and more.

Big Love,

This Mama Lisa

Kali's actual birthday is this weekend, and she tried to mention another gathering.  NOW THAT'S funny!
Maybe dinner at Chuck E Cheese will do-
Or if that doesn't work, shoot, maybe I can make her Mama's Famous Grilled Cheese....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man!!! Wish we were there with you guys! Looks like you guys had a great time:)