Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Few More...

As I began the process of cleaning up text messages, and deleting unnecessary pictures from the week, I had to save a couple.  Two of these just give me the willy's but so worth keeping.
After I launched the boat, my walk back was along this curb.  To my surprise, I caught a glimpse from the corner of my eye.  EEEEEEKKK!
Not a rattlesnake, but still a snake.  So ya.

Kali's last walk to the elevator....note worthy of her, therefore note worthy to me.
Arriving home on Mother's Day, with no kids to celebrate me-wah-wah-wah... feeling a tad bit blue- And what do I find?  This package from my Aunt and Uncle-  Couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you Aunt Ronda and Uncle Wade-  I love and miss you!  They must remember I am a chap-stick lip-gloss junkie....and these little dudes?  ORGANIC

A text from my Mama though....The oldest of 6.  But that hair though.  

Happy Saturday to you kids.  I hope you all have full hearts, full tummies, and full glasses.

Remember, we are more lucky than many people around the world. 


Lisa Lynn

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