Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Different Forms


This morning I arrived to work with this text-

From Kali-
And you know, the number ten has so much truth to it.
Number four rolls a close second to this. 
I can't tell you all how many times while raising Kris and Kali that I would close up my house for the night, and tuck myself away into my bed laying there with sheer fear of it all.
Raising them. Doing things right.  Their futures, their lives, their loves, their health.  All of it.
I never told them those fears, I just woke up day after day, and kept a move on.
Showing, proving, setting examples of what I knew best.

Thank you for this Kali.

I would do it all again in a heartbeat. 

From my Mom-

Their biggest fear of a drought.  Their property suffering yet another long hot summer.  The fear of fires, and being evacuated, or worse, a burn. 
He's been clearing for months.  I love and miss you Mom and Dad.

Carmen sent me this.
It reminds me of many people.  My parents, myself, and my kids.
This life is faster than we all expected.  Especially when you hit your mid-forties, or fifties.
Bitter sweet really. 

Love is many different forms. 

Tonight I go out and pack half of Kali's goods from her dorm to return home for a few months.
THAT is a little bittersweet just to think it's her first and last year in a dorm.
Paving grounds, proving what she knew she could do.

Happy Day friends.

Call your loved ones.  Write that letter.  Say sorry.  Be kind.

And eat good real food.


This Mama Lisa

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