Wednesday, March 18, 2015

We See This.

Both of our kids have been pestered by their Mom from the day they held a cell phone in their hand.

It's my security blanket knowing all is good wherever they are.

My son travels to some of the craziest places- I am quite sure it trips out his girlfriend, and sometimes his friends. Like dude, is that your Mom texting you?!  yes, it is.  She's just making sure we made it.
Guess what?  I simply don't care what others think.  Never have, and probably never will.

As long as I know they've made it to where they are going, and a goodnight or goodmorning is tossed in, who cares?!

Last night Kali sent us this-
Pre-Game-n' -  How about that cute little dinner setting in the back ground.  Good job girls! (Their dorm is actually lookin' really cute)
We see this. 

I remember this.
We see this.

I remember this.

We see this. 
I remember this.

We see this.
I remember this. 
 And so, last night as I plug my phone into the charger, I can only pray she's good.  That her sorority sisters are taking good care of her.  And that her choices, are kept in the modest and good zone.

This morning as I was getting my world ready, I want to text.  Or call.  Or just peek into her room to see she's okay.  But she's far away.  And my instinct said she's okay.

At ten thirty this morning, I finally send a text.  "Morning sugar plum"-

Her reply "Hola"

All is good in my world.

You mama's and papa's with little's, you just wait.

Look at me---YOU JUST WAIT-

Happy Hump Day.  Hope all you hungover Leprechauns are feeling better now. 

Ours was an easy cozy dinner with The Reynolds at our local pub.  We scarfed down the standard Corned Beef with all the trimmings.  Guinness for me.  Cocktail for Bill.  Home and bed before 10.

We are CRAAAAZZZYYY like that.

Man, how beautiful it was to see the sun kiss me hello over the bay this morning, without a headache.


Now, go text your kid.  If anything, just tell em how much you love em.  Just how proud you are.

Remember watering LOVE is keeping a beautiful seed alive and growing.  Don't ever forget that.

Love and kindness wins. 

Lots of peace, now and always.


This Mama Lisa-

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